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Fix chef-repo image build with incompatible ffi gem version

Pierre Guinoiseau requested to merge pguinoiseau/fix-chef-repo-ffi into master


Fix chef-repo image build with incompatible ffi gem version.


#9 139.9 ERROR:  Error installing chef:
#9 139.9 	The last version of ffi (~> 1.9, >= 1.9.25) to support your Ruby & RubyGems was 1.17.0. Try installing it with `gem install ffi -v 1.17.0` and then running the current command again
#9 139.9 	ffi requires RubyGems version >= 3.3.22. The current RubyGems version is 3.1.6. Try 'gem update --system' to update RubyGems itself.

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