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  • Krzysztof Wilczyński's avatar
    chore: update to align code style with asdf plugins and Google guide · a6f6952b
    Krzysztof Wilczyński authored
    Update plugin code style to make it more aligned with other asdf
    plugins and the recommendations from Google's Shell Style Guide[1].
    Currently, if the asdf installation type is different than "version",
    we only print an error message and then continue with the installation
    regardless, which might not be desirable.
    Thus, change the current behaviour to terminate execution with a non-zero
    exit code to inform the user that the installation method is currently
    not supported.
    The get_download_url() is a helper function that is used to determine
    what the artifacts download URL should be for a give combination of an
    underlying operating system and its architecture.  At the moment, this
    helper functions also includes an error handling code, that aims to
    terminate execution should a valid URL couldn't be found.  Similar error
    handling code exists in the download script, which is also a caller of
    the get_download_url() helper function, however,...