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chore(deps): update dependency rubocop to v0.93.1

renovate-bot requested to merge renovate/rubocop-0.x-lockfile into master

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Update Change
rubocop (source, changelog) minor 0.59.2 -> 0.93.1

Release Notes

rubocop/rubocop (rubocop)


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Bug fixes
  • #​8782: Fix incorrect autocorrection for Style/TernaryParentheses with defined?. ([@​dvandersluis][])
  • #​8867: Rework Lint/RedundantSafeNavigation to be more safe. ([@​fatkodima][])
  • #​8864: Fix false positive for Style/RedundantBegin with a postfix while or until. ([@​dvandersluis][])
  • #​8869: Fix a false positive for Style/RedundantBegin when using begin for or assignment and method call. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8862: Fix an error for Lint/AmbiguousRegexpLiteral when using regexp without method calls in nested structure. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8872: Fix an error for Metrics/ClassLength when multiple assignments to constants. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8871: Fix a false positive for Style/RedundantBegin when using begin for method argument or part of conditions. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8875: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Style/ClassEqualityComparison when comparing class name. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8880: Fix an error for Style/ClassLength when overlapping constant assignments. ([@​koic][])


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New features
Bug fixes
  • #​8810: Fix multiple offense detection for Style/RaiseArgs. ([@​pbernays][])
  • #​8151: Fix a false positive for Lint/BooleanSymbol when used within %i[...]. ([@​fatkodima][])
  • #​8809: Fix multiple offense detection for Style/For. ([@​pbernays][])
  • #​8801: Fix Layout/SpaceAroundEqualsInParameterDefault only registered once in a line. ([@​rdunlop][])
  • #​8514: Correct multiple Style/MethodDefParentheses per file. ([@​rdunlop][])
  • #​8825: Fix crash in Style/ExplicitBlockArgument when code is called outside of a method. ([@​ghiculescu][])
  • #​8718: Fix undefined methods of pseudo location. ([@​ybiquitous][])
  • #​8354: Detect regexp named captures in Style/CaseLikeIf cop. ([@​dsavochkin][])
  • #​8821: Fix an incorrect autocorrect for Style/NestedTernaryOperator when using a nested ternary operator expression with no parentheses on the outside. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8834: Fix a false positive for Style/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression when method argument parentheses are omitted and hash argument key is enclosed in parentheses. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8830: Fix bad autocorrect of Style/StringConcatenation when string includes double quotes. ([@​tleish][])
  • #​8807: Fix a false positive for Style/RedundantCondition when using assignment by hash key access. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8848: Fix a false positive for Style/CombinableLoops when using the same method with different arguments. ([@​dvandersluis][])
  • #​8843: Fix an incorrect autocorrect for Lint/AmbiguousRegexpLiteral when sending method to regexp literal receiver. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8842: Save actual status to cache, except corrected. ([@​hatkyinc2][])
  • #​8835: Fix an incorrect autocorrect for Style/RedundantInterpolation when using string interpolation for non-operator methods. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7495: Example for Lint/AmbiguousBlockAssociation cop. ([@​AllanSiqueira][])
  • #​8855: Fix an error for Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAccessModifier and Style/AccessModifierDeclarations when using only access modifier. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8803: (Breaking) RegexpNode#parsed_tree now processes regexps including interpolation (by blanking the interpolation before parsing, rather than skipping). ([@​owst][])
  • #​8625: Improve Style/RedundantRegexpCharacterClass and Style/RedundantRegexpEscape by using regexp_parser gem. ([@​owst][])
  • #​8646: Faster find of all files in TargetFinder class which improves initial startup speed. ([@​tleish][])
  • #​8102: Consider class length instead of block length for ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​7408: Make Gemspec/RequiredRubyVersion cop aware of Gem::Requirement. ([@​tejasbubane][])


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New features
Bug fixes
  • #​8785: Update TargetRubyVersion 2.8 to 3.0 (experimental). ([@​koic][])
  • #​8650: Faster find of hidden files in TargetFinder class which improves rubocop initial startup speed. ([@​tleish][])
  • #​8783: Disable Style/ArrayCoercion cop by default. ([@​koic][])


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Bug fixes
  • #​8720: Fix an error for Lint/IdentityComparison when calling object_id method without receiver in LHS or RHS. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8767: Fix a false positive for Style/RedundantReturn when a rescue has an else clause. ([@​fatkodima][])
  • #​8710: Fix a false positive for Layout/RescueEnsureAlignment when Layout/BeginEndAlignment cop is not enabled status. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8726: Fix a false positive for Naming/VariableNumber when naming multibyte character variable name. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8730: Fix an error for Lint/UselessTimes when there is a blank line in the method definition. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8740: Fix a false positive for Style/HashAsLastArrayItem when the hash is in an implicit array. ([@​dvandersluis][])
  • #​8739: Fix an error for Lint/UselessTimes when using empty block argument. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8742: Fix some assignment counts for Metrics/AbcSize. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​8750: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Style/MultilineWhenThen when line break for multiple candidate values of when statement. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8754: Fix an error for Style/RandomWithOffset when using a range with non-integer bounds. ([@​eugeneius][])
  • #​8756: Fix an infinite loop error for Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAccessModifier with Layout/EmptyLinesAroundBlockBody when using access modifier with block argument. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8372: Fix Lint/RedundantCopEnableDirective autocorrection to not leave orphaned empty # rubocop:enable comments. ([@​dvandersluis][])
  • #​8372: Fix Lint/RedundantCopDisableDirective autocorrection. ([@​dvandersluis][])
  • #​8764: Fix Layout/CaseIndentation not showing the cop name in output messages. ([@​dvandersluis][])
  • #​8771: Fix an error for Style/OneLineConditional when using if-then-elsif-then-end. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8576: Fix Style/IfUnlessModifier to ignore cop disable comment directives when considering conversion to the modifier form. ([@​dsavochkin][])


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New features
  • New option --cache-root and support for the RUBOCOP_CACHE_ROOT environment variable. Both can be used to override the AllCops: CacheRootDirectory config, especially in a CI setting. ([@​sascha-wolf][])
  • #​8582: Add new Layout/BeginEndAlignment cop. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8699: Add new Lint/IdentityComparison cop. ([@​koic][])
  • Add new Lint/UselessTimes cop. ([@​dvandersluis][])
  • #​8707: Add new Lint/ConstantDefinitionInBlock cop. ([@​eugeneius][])
Bug fixes
  • #​8627: Fix a false positive for Lint/DuplicateRequire when same feature argument but different require method. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8674: Fix an error for Layout/EmptyLineAfterMultilineCondition when conditional is at the top level. ([@​fatkodima][])
  • #​8658: Fix a false positive for Style/RedundantSelfAssignment when calling coercion methods. ([@​fatkodima][])
  • #​8669: Fix an offense creation for Lint/EmptyFile. ([@​fatkodima][])
  • #​8607: Fix a false positive for Lint/UnreachableLoop when conditional branch includes continue statement preceding break statement. ([@​fatkodima][])
  • #​8572: Fix a false positive for Style/RedundantParentheses when parentheses are used like method argument parentheses. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8630: Fix some false positives for Style/HashTransformKeys and Style/HashTransformValues when the receiver is an array. ([@​eugeneius][])
  • #​8653: Fix a false positive for Layout/DefEndAlignment when using refinements and private def. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8655: Fix a false positive for Style/ClassAndModuleChildren when using cbase class name. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8654: Fix a false positive for Style/SafeNavigation when checking foo&.empty? in a conditional. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8660: Fix a false positive for Style/ClassAndModuleChildren when using cbase module name. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8664: Fix a false positive for Naming/BinaryOperatorParameterName when naming multibyte character method name. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8604: Fix a false positive for Bundler/DuplicatedGem when gem is duplicated in condition. ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​8671: Fix an error for Style/ExplicitBlockArgument when using safe navigation method call. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8681: Fix an error for Style/HashAsLastArrayItem with no_braces for empty hash. ([@​fsateler][])
  • #​8682: Fix a positive for Style/HashTransformKeys and Style/HashTransformValues when the each_with_object hash is used in the transformed key or value. ([@​eugeneius][])
  • #​8688: Mark Style/GlobalStdStream as unsafe autocorrection. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​8642: Fix a false negative for Style/SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces when a correct empty hash precedes the incorrect hash. ([@​dvandersluis][])
  • #​8683: Make naming cops work with non-ascii characters. ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​8626: Fix false negatives for Lint/UselessMethodDefinition. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​8698: Fix cache to avoid encoding exception. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​8704: Fix an error for Lint/AmbiguousOperator when using safe navigation operator with a unary operator. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8661: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Style/MultilineTernaryOperator when returning a multiline ternary operator expression. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8526: Fix a false positive for Style/CaseEquality cop when the receiver is not a camel cased constant. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8673: Fix the JSON parse error when specifying --format=json and --stdin options. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8470: Do not autocorrect Style/StringConcatenation when parts of the expression are too complex. ([@​dvandersluis][])
  • #​8561: Fix Lint/UselessMethodDefinition to not register an offense when method definition includes optional arguments. ([@​fatkodima][])
  • #​8617: Fix Style/HashAsLastArrayItem to not register an offense when all items in an array are hashes. ([@​dvandersluis][])
  • #​8500: Add in? to AllowedMethods for Lint/SafeNavigationChain cop. ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​8629: Fix the cache being reusable in CI by using crc32 to calculate file hashes rather than mtime, which changes each CI build. ([@​dvandersluis][])
  • #​8663: Fix multiple autocorrection bugs with Style/ClassMethodsDefinitions. ([@​dvandersluis][])
  • #​8621: Add helpful Infinite Loop error message. ([@​iSarCasm][])


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New features
Bug fixes
  • #​8508: Fix a false positive for Style/CaseLikeIf when conditional contains comparison with a class. Mark Style/CaseLikeIf as not safe. ([@​fatkodima][])
  • #​8618: Fix an infinite loop error for Layout/EmptyLineBetweenDefs. ([@​fatkodima][])
  • #​8534: Fix Lint/BinaryOperatorWithIdenticalOperands for binary operators used as unary operators. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​8537: Allow a trailing comment as a description comment for Bundler/GemComment. ([@​pocke][])
  • #​8507: Fix Style/RescueModifier to handle parentheses around rescue modifiers. ([@​dsavochkin][])
  • #​8527: Prevent an incorrect auto-correction for Style/CaseEquality cop when comparing with === against a regular expression receiver. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8524: Fix Layout/EmptyLinesAroundClassBody and Layout/EmptyLinesAroundModuleBody to correctly handle an access modifier as a first child. ([@​dsavochkin][])
  • #​8518: Fix Lint/ConstantResolution cop reporting offense for module and class definitions. ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​8158: Fix Style/MultilineWhenThen cop to correctly handle cases with multiline body. ([@​dsavochkin][])
  • #​7705: Fix Style/OneLineConditional cop to handle if/then/elsif/then/else/end cases. Add AlwaysCorrectToMultiline config option to this cop to always convert offenses to the multi-line form (false by default). ([@​Lykos][], [@​dsavochkin][])
  • #​8590: Fix an error when auto-correcting encoding mismatch file. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8321: Enable auto-correction for Layout/{Def}EndAlignment, Lint/EmptyEnsure, Style/ClassAndModuleChildren. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​8583: Fix Style/RedundantRegexpEscape false positive for line continuations. ([@​owst][])
  • #​8593: Fix Style/RedundantRegexpCharacterClass false positive for interpolated multi-line expressions. ([@​owst][])
  • #​8624: Fix an error with the Style/CaseLikeIf cop where it does not properly handle overridden equality methods with no arguments. ([@​Skipants][])
  • #​8413: Pending cops warning now contains snippet that can be directly copied into .rubocop.yml as well as a notice about NewCops: enable config option. ([@​colszowka][])
  • #​8362: Add numbers of correctable offenses to summary. ([@​nguyenquangminh0711][])
  • #​8513: Clarify the ruby warning mentioned in the Lint/ShadowingOuterLocalVariable documentation. ([@​chocolateboy][])
  • #​8517: Make Style/HashTransformKeys and Style/HashTransformValues aware of to_h with block. ([@​eugeneius][])
  • #​8529: Mark Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment as Safe, but with unsafe auto-correction. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​8602: Fix usage of to_enum(:scan, regexp) to work on TruffleRuby. ([@​jaimerave][])


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Bug fixes
  • #​8463: Fix false positives for Lint/OutOfRangeRegexpRef when a regexp is defined and matched in separate steps. ([@​eugeneius][])
  • #​8464: Handle regexps matched with when, grep, gsub, gsub!, sub, sub!, [], slice, slice!, scan, index, rindex, partition, rpartition, start_with?, and end_with? in Lint/OutOfRangeRegexpRef. ([@​eugeneius][])
  • #​8466: Fix a false positive for Lint/UriRegexp when using regexp method without receiver. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8478: Relax Lint/BinaryOperatorWithIdenticalOperands for mathematical operations. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​8480: Tweak callback list of Lint/MissingSuper. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​8481: Fix autocorrect for elements with newlines in Style/SymbolArray and Style/WordArray. ([@​biinari][])
  • #​8475: Fix a false positive for Style/HashAsLastArrayItem when there are duplicate hashes in the array. ([@​wcmonty][])
  • #​8497: Fix Style/IfUnlessModifier to add parentheses when converting if-end condition inside a parenthesized method argument list. ([@​dsavochkin][])
  • #​8487: Detect < and > as comparison operators in Style/ConditionalAssignment cop. ([@​biinari][])


Compare Source

New features
Bug fixes
  • #​8346: Allow parentheses in single-line inheritance with Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses EnforcedStyle: omit_parentheses to fix invalid Ruby auto-correction. ([@​gsamokovarov][])
  • #​8324: Fix crash for Layout/SpaceAroundMethodCallOperator when using Proc#call shorthand syntax. ([@​fatkodima][])
  • #​8332: Fix auto-correct in Style/ConditionalAssignment to preserve constant namespace. ([@​biinari][])
  • #​8344: Fix crash for Style/CaseLikeIf when checking against equal? and match? without a receiver. ([@​fatkodima][])
  • #​8323: Fix a false positive for Style/HashAsLastArrayItem when hash is not a last array item. ([@​fatkodima][])
  • #​8299: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Style/RedundantCondition when using raise, rescue, or and without argument parentheses in else. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8335: Fix incorrect character class detection for nested or POSIX bracket character classes in Style/RedundantRegexpEscape. ([@​owst][])
  • #​8347: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for EnforcedStyle: hash_rockets of Style/HashSyntax with Layout/HashAlignment. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8375: Fix an infinite loop error for Style/EmptyMethod. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8385: Remove auto-correction for Lint/EnsureReturn. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​8391: Mark Style/ArrayCoercion as not safe. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​8406: Improve Style/AccessorGrouping's auto-correction to remove redundant blank lines. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8330: Fix a false positive for Style/MissingRespondToMissing when defined method with inline access modifier. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8422: Fix an error for Lint/SelfAssignment when using or-assignment for constant. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8423: Fix an error for Style/SingleArgumentDig when without a receiver. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8424: Fix an error for Lint/IneffectiveAccessModifier when there is begin...end before a method definition. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8006: Fix line length calculation for Style/IfUnlessModifier to correctly take into account code before the if condition when considering conversation to a single-line form. ([@​dsavochkin][])
  • #​8283: Fix line length calculation for Style/IfUnlessModifier to correctly take into account a comment on the first line when considering conversation to a single-line form. ([@​dsavochkin][])
  • #​7957: Fix line length calculation for Style/IfUnlessModifier to correctly take into account code on the last line after the end keyword when considering conversion to a single-line form. ([@​dsavochkin][])
  • #​8226: Fix Style/IfUnlessModifier to add parentheses when converting if-end condition inside an array or a hash to a single-line form. ([@​dsavochkin][])
  • #​8443: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Style/StructInheritance when there is a comment before class declaration. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8444: Fix an error for Layout/FirstMethodArgumentLineBreak when using kwargs in super. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8448: Fix Style/NestedParenthesizedCalls to include line continuations in whitespace for auto-correct. ([@​biinari][])
  • #​8376: Style/MethodMissingSuper cop is removed in favor of new Lint/MissingSuper cop. ([@​fatkodima][])
  • #​8433: Lint/UselessComparison cop is removed in favor of new Lint/BinaryOperatorWithIdenticalOperands cop. ([@​fatkodima][])
  • #​8350: Set default max line length to 120 for Style/MultilineMethodSignature. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8338: potentially breaking. Config#for_department now returns only the config specified for that department; the 'Enabled' attribute is no longer calculated. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​8037: (Breaking) Cop Metrics/AbcSize now counts ||=, &&=, multiple assignments, for, yield, iterating blocks. &. now count as conditions too (unless repeated on the same variable). Default bumped from 15 to 17. Consider using rubocop -a --disable-uncorrectable to ease transition. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​8276: Cop Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity not longer counts &. when repeated on the same variable. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​8204: (Breaking) Cop Metrics/PerceivedComplexity now counts else in case statements, &., ||=, &&= and blocks known to iterate. Default bumped from 7 to 8. Consider using rubocop -a --disable-uncorrectable to ease transition. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​8416: Cop Lint/InterpolationCheck marked as unsafe. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​8442: Remove RuboCop::Cop::ParserDiagnostic mixin module. ([@​koic][])


Compare Source

New features
Bug fixes
  • #​8232: Fix a false positive for Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAccessModifier when end immediately after access modifier. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7777: Fix crash for Layout/MultilineArrayBraceLayout when comment is present after last element. ([@​shekhar-patil][])
  • #​7776: Fix crash for Layout/MultilineMethodCallBraceLayout when comment is present before closing braces. ([@​shekhar-patil][])
  • #​8282: Fix Style/IfUnlessModifier bad precedence detection. ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​8289: Fix Style/AccessorGrouping to not register offense for accessor with comment. ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​8310: Handle major version requirements in Gemspec/RequiredRubyVersion. ([@​eugeneius][])
  • #​8315: Fix crash for Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters when the source contains invalid characters. ([@​eugeneius][])
  • #​8239: Don't load .rubocop.yml files at all outside of the current project, unless they are personal configuration files and the project has no configuration. ([@​deivid-rodriguez][])


Compare Source

Bug fixes
  • #​8189: Fix an error for Layout/MultilineBlockLayout where spaces for a new line where not considered. ([@​knejad][])
  • #​8252: Fix a command line option name from --safe-autocorrect to --safe-auto-correct, which is compatible with RuboCop 0.86 and lower. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8259: Fix false positives for Style/BisectedAttrAccessor when accessors have different access modifiers. ([@​fatkodima][])
  • #​8253: Fix false positives for Style/AccessorGrouping when accessors have different access modifiers. ([@​fatkodima][])
  • #​8257: Fix an error for Style/BisectedAttrAccessor when using attr_reader and attr_writer with splat arguments. ([@​fatkodima][])
  • #​8239: Don't load .rubocop.yml from personal folders to check for exclusions if given a custom configuration file. ([@​deivid-rodriguez][])
  • #​8256: Fix an error for --auto-gen-config when running a cop who do not support auto-correction. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8262: Fix Lint/DeprecatedOpenSSLConstant auto-correction of OpenSSL::Cipher to use lower case, as some Linux-based systems do not accept upper cased cipher names. ([@​bdewater][])


Compare Source

New features
Bug fixes
  • #​8039: Fix false positives for Lint/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression in when using operators or chain functions. ([@​CamilleDrapier][])
  • #​8196: Fix a false positive for Style/RedundantFetchBlock when using with Rails.cache. ([@​fatkodima][])
  • #​8195: Fix an error for Style/RedundantFetchBlock when using #fetch with empty block. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8193: Fix a false positive for Style/RedundantRegexpCharacterClass when using [\b]. ([@​owst][])
  • #​8205: Fix a false positive for Style/RedundantRegexpCharacterClass when using a leading escaped ]. ([@​owst][])
  • #​8208: Fix Style/RedundantParentheses with hash literal as first argument to yield. ([@​karlwithak][])
  • #​8176: Don't load .rubocop.yml from personal folders to check for exclusions if there's a project configuration. ([@​deivid-rodriguez][])
  • #​7868: (Breaking) Extensive refactoring of internal classes Team, Commissioner, Corrector. Cop::Cop#corrections not completely compatible. See Upgrade Notes. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​8156: (Breaking) rubocop -a / --auto-correct no longer run unsafe corrections; rubocop -A / --auto-correct-all run both safe and unsafe corrections. Options --safe-autocorrect is deprecated. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​8207: (Breaking) Order for gems names now disregards underscores and dashes unless ConsiderPunctuation setting is set to true. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​8211: Style/ClassVars cop now detects class_variable_set. ([@​biinari][])
  • #​8245: Detect top-level constants like ::Const in various cops. ([@​biinari][])


Compare Source

New features
Bug fixes
  • #​8132: Fix the problem with Naming/MethodName: EnforcedStyle: camelCase and _ or i variables. ([@​avrusanov][])
  • #​8115: Fix false negative for Lint::FormatParameterMismatch when argument contains formatting. ([@​andrykonchin][])
  • #​8131: Fix false positive for Style/RedundantRegexpEscape with escaped delimiters. ([@​owst][])
  • #​8124: Fix a false positive for Lint/FormatParameterMismatch when using named parameters with escaped %. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7979: Fix "uninitialized constant DidYouMean::SpellChecker" exception. ([@​bquorning][])
  • #​8098: Fix a false positive for Style/RedundantRegexpCharacterClass when using interpolations. ([@​owst][])
  • #​8150: Fix a false positive for Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAttributeAccessor when using attribute accessors in if ... else branches. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8179: Fix an infinite correction loop error for Layout/MultilineBlockLayout when missing newline before opening parenthesis ( for block body. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8185: Fix a false positive for Style/YodaCondition when interpolation is used on the left hand side. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8149: (Breaking) Cop Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity now counts &., ||=, &&= and blocks known to iterate. Default bumped from 6 to 7. Consider using rubocop -a --disable-uncorrectable to ease transition. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​8146: Use UTC in RuboCop todo file generation. ([@​mauro-oto][])
  • #​8178: Mark unsafe for Lint/RaiseException. ([@​koic][])


Compare Source

Bug fixes
  • #​8083: Fix an error for Lint/MixedRegexpCaptureTypes cop when using a regular expression that cannot be processed by regexp_parser gem. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8081: Fix a false positive for Lint/SuppressedException when empty rescue block in do block. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8096: Fix a false positive for Lint/SuppressedException when empty rescue block in defs. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8108: Fix infinite loop in Layout/HeredocIndentation auto-correct. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​8042: Fix raising error in Lint::FormatParameterMismatch when it handles invalid format strings and add new offense. ([@​andrykonchin][])


Compare Source

New features
Bug fixes
  • #​8008: Fix an error for Lint/SuppressedException when empty rescue block in def. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8012: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Lint/DeprecatedOpenSSLConstant when deprecated OpenSSL constant is used in a block. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8017: Fix a false positive for Lint/SuppressedException when empty rescue with comment in def. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7990: Fix resolving inherit_gem in remote configs. ([@​CvX][])
  • #​8035: Fix a false positive for Lint/DeprecatedOpenSSLConstant when using double quoted string argument. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7971: Fix an issue where --disable-uncorrectable would not update uncorrected code with rubocop:todo. ([@​rrosenblum][])
  • #​8035: Fix a false positive for Lint/DeprecatedOpenSSLConstant when argument is a variable, method, or constant. ([@​koic][])
  • #​8056: (Breaking) Remove support for unindent/active_support/powerpack from Layout/HeredocIndentation, so it only recommends using squiggly heredoc. ([@​bquorning][])


Compare Source

New features
  • #​7735: NodePattern and AST classes have been moved to the rubocop-ast gem. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​7950: Add new Lint/DeprecatedOpenSSLConstant cop. ([@​bdewater][])
  • #​7976: Add AllowAliasSyntax and AllowedMethods options for Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAttributeAccessor. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7984: New rake task "check_commit" will run rspec and rubocop on files touched by the last commit. Currently available when developing from the main repository only. ([@​marcandre][])
Bug fixes
  • #​7953: Fix an error for Lint/AmbiguousOperator when a method with no arguments is used in advance. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7962: Fix a false positive for Lint/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression when heredoc has a space between the same string as the method name and (. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7967: Style/SlicingWithRange cop now supports any expression as its first index. ([@​zverok][])
  • #​7972: Fix an incorrect autocorrect for Style/HashSyntax when using a return value uses return. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7886: Fix a bug in AllowComments logic in Lint/SuppressedException. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​7991: Fix an error for Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAttributeAccessor when attribute method is method chained. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7993: Fix a false positive for Migration/DepartmentName when a disable comment contains an unexpected character for department name. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7983: Make the config loader Bundler-aware. ([@​CvX][])
  • #​7952: (Breaking) Change the max line length of Layout/LineLength to 120 by default. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7959: Change enforced style to conditionals for Style/AndOr. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7985: Add EnforcedStyle for Style/DoubleNegation cop and allow double negation in contexts that use boolean as a return value. ([@​koic][])


Compare Source

New features
Bug fixes
  • #​7929: Fix Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment to accept frozen_string_literal anywhere in leading comment lines. ([@​jeffcarbs][])
  • #​7882: Fix Style/CaseEquality when AllowOnConstant is true and the method receiver is implicit. ([@​rafaelfranca][])
  • #​7790: Fix --parallel and --ignore-parent-exclusion combination. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​7881: Fix --parallel and --force-default-config combination. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​7635: Fix a false positive for Style/MultilineWhenThen when then required for a body of when is used. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7905: Fix an error when running rubocop --only or rubocop --except options without cop name argument. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7903: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Style/HashTransformKeys and Style/HashTransformValues cops when line break before to_h method. ([@​diogoosorio][], [@​koic][])
  • #​7899: Fix an infinite loop error for Layout/SpaceAroundOperators with Layout/ExtraSpacing when using ForceEqualSignAlignment: true. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7885: Fix Style/IfUnlessModifier logic when tabs are used for indentation. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​7909: Fix a false positive for Lint/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression when using an intended grouped parentheses. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7913: Fix a false positive for Lint/LiteralAsCondition when using true literal in while and similar cases. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7928: Fix a false message for Style/GuardClause when using and or or operators for guard clause in then or else branches. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7928: Fix a false positive for Style/GuardClause when assigning the result of a guard condition with else. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7860: Change AllowInHeredoc option of Layout/TrailingWhitespace to true by default. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7094: Clarify alignment in Layout/MultilineOperationIndentation. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​4245: (Breaking) Inspect all files given on command line unless --only-recognized-file-types is given. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​7390: (Breaking) Enabling a cop overrides disabling its department. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​7936: Mark Lint/BooleanSymbol as unsafe. ([@​laurmurclar][])
  • #​7948: Mark unsafe for Style/OptionalArguments. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7931: Remove dependency on the jaro_winkler gem, instead depending on did_you_mean. This may be a breaking change for RuboCop libraries calling NameSimilarity#find_similar_name. ([@​bquorning][])


Compare Source

New features
Bug fixes
  • #​7871: Fix an auto-correction bug in Lint/BooleanSymbol. ([@​knu][])
  • #​7842: Fix a false positive for Lint/RaiseException when raising Exception with explicit namespace. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7834: Fix Lint/UriRegexp to register offense with array arguments. ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​7841: Fix an error for Style/TrailingCommaInBlockArgs when lambda literal (->) has multiple arguments. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7842: Fix a false positive for Lint/RaiseException when Exception without cbase specified under the namespace Gem by adding AllowedImplicitNamespaces option. ([@​koic][])
  • Style/IfUnlessModifier does not infinite-loop when auto-correcting long lines which use if/unless modifiers and have multiple statements separated by semicolons. ([@​alexdowad][])
  • rubocop/rubocop-rails#127: Use ConfigLoader.default_configuration for the default config. ([@​hanachin][])


Compare Source

New features
Bug fixes
  • #​7236: Mark Style/InverseMethods auto-correct as incompatible with Style/SymbolProc. ([@​drenmi][])
  • #​7144: Fix Style/Documentation constant visibility declaration in namespace. ([@​AdrienSldy][])
  • #​7779: Fix a false positive for Style/MultilineMethodCallIndentation when using Ruby 2.7's numbered parameter. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7733: Fix rubocop-junit-formatter incompatibility XML for JUnit formatter. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7767: Skip array literals in Style/HashTransformValues and Style/HashTransformKeys. ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​7791: Fix an error on auto-correction for Layout/BlockEndNewline when } of multiline block without processing is not on its own line. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7778: Fix a false positive for Layout/EndAlignment when a non-whitespace is used before the end keyword. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7806: Fix an error for Lint/ErbNewArguments cop when inspecting ([@​koic][])
  • #​7814: Fix a false positive for Migrate/DepartmentName cop when inspecting an unexpected disabled comment format. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7728: Fix an error for Style/OneLineConditional when one of the branches contains a self keyword. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7825: Fix crash for Layout/MultilineMethodCallIndentation with key access to hash. ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​7831: Fix a false positive for Style/HashEachMethods when receiver is implicit. ([@​koic][])


Compare Source

Bug fixes
  • #​7719: Fix Style/NestedParenthesizedCalls cop for newline. ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​7709: Fix correction of Style/RedundantCondition when the else branch contains a range. ([@​rrosenblum][])
  • #​7682: Fix Style/InverseMethods autofix leaving parenthesis. ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​7745: Suppress a pending cop warnings when pending cop's department is disabled. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7759: Fix an error for Layout/LineLength cop when using lambda syntax that argument is not enclosed in parentheses. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7765: When warning about a pending cop, display the version with the cop added. ([@​koic][])


Compare Source

New features
  • #​7693: NodePattern: Add ` for descendant search. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​7577: Add AllowGemfileRubyComment configuration on Layout/LeadingCommentSpace. ([@​cetinajero][])
  • #​7663: Add new Style/HashTransformKeys and Style/HashTransformValues cops. ([@​djudd][], [@​eugeneius][])
  • #​7619: Support auto-correct of legacy cop names for Migration/DepartmentName. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7659: Layout/LineLength auto-correct now breaks up long lines with blocks. ([@​maxh][])
  • #​7677: Add new Style/HashEachMethods cop for Hash#each_key and Hash#each_value. ([@​jemmaissroff][])
  • Add BracesRequiredMethods parameter to Style/BlockDelimiters to require braces for specific methods such as Sorbet's sig. ([@​maxh][])
  • #​7686: Add new JUnitFormatter formatter based on rubocop-junit-formatter gem. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7715: Add Steepfile to default Include list. ([@​ybiquitous][])
Bug fixes
  • #​7644: Fix patterns with named wildcards in unions. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​7639: Fix logical operator edge case in omit_parentheses style of Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses. ([@​gsamokovarov][])
  • #​7661: Fix to return correct info from multi-line regexp. ([@​Tietew][])
  • #​7655: Fix an error when processing a regexp with a line break at the start of capture parenthesis. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7647: Fix an undefined method on_numblock error when using Ruby 2.7's numbered parameters. ([@​hanachin][])
  • #​7675: Fix a false negative for Layout/SpaceBeforeFirstArg when a vertical argument positions are aligned. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7688: Fix a bug in Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses that made --auto-gen-config crash. ([@​buehmann][])
  • #​7203: Fix an infinite loop error for Style/TernaryParentheses with Style/RedundantParentheses when using EnforcedStyle: require_parentheses_when_complex. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7708: Make it possible to use EOL rubocop:disable comments on comment lines. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​7712: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Style/OrAssignment when using elsif branch. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7636: Remove console from Lint/Debugger to prevent false positives. ([@​gsamokovarov][])
  • #​7641: (Breaking) Remove Style/BracesAroundHashParameters cop. ([@​pocke][])
  • Add the method name to highlight area of Layout/EmptyLineBetweenDefs to help provide more context. ([@​rrosenblum][])
  • #​7652: Allow pp to allowed names of Naming/MethodParameterName cop in default config. ([@​masarakki][])
  • #​7309: Mark Lint/UselessSetterCall an "not safe" and improve documentation. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​7723: Enable Migration/DepartmentName cop by default. ([@​koic][])


Compare Source

New features
Bug fixes
  • #​7193: Prevent Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters from changing %i literals that contain escaped delimiters. ([@​buehmann][])
  • #​7590: Fix an error for Layout/SpaceBeforeBlockBraces when using with EnforcedStyle: line_count_based of Style/BlockDelimiters cop. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7569: Make Style/YodaCondition accept __FILE__ == $0. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7576: Fix an error for Gemspec/OrderedDependencies when using a local variable in an argument of dependent gem. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7595: Make Style/NumericPredicate aware of ignored methods when specifying ignored methods. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7607: Fix Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment infinite loop when magic comments are newline-separated. ([@​pirj][])
  • #​7602: Ensure proper handling of Ruby 2.7 syntax. ([@​drenmi][])
  • #​7620: Fix a false positive for Migration/DepartmentName when a disable comment contains a plain comment. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7616: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Style/MultilineWhenThen for when statement with then is an array or a hash. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7628: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Layout/MultilineBlockLayout removing trailing comma with single argument. ([@​pawptart][])
  • #​7627: Fix a false negative for Migration/DepartmentName when there is space around : (e.g. # rubocop : disable). ([@​koic][])


Compare Source

New features
Bug fixes
  • #​7530: Typo in Style/TrivialAccessors's AllowedMethods. ([@​movermeyer][])
  • #​7532: Fix an error for Style/TrailingCommaInArguments when using an anonymous function with multiple line arguments with EnforcedStyleForMultiline: consistent_comma. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7534: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Style/BlockDelimiters cop and Layout/SpaceBeforeBlockBraces cop with EnforcedStyle: no_space when using multiline braces. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7231: Fix the exit code to be 2 rather when 0 when the config file contains an unknown cop. ([@​jethroo][])
  • #​7513: Fix abrupt error on auto-correcting with --disable-uncorrectable. ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​7537: Fix a false positive for Layout/SpaceAroundOperators when using a Rational literal with / (e.g. 2/3r). ([@​koic][])
  • #​7029: Make Style/Attr not flag offense for custom attr method. ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​7574: Fix a corner case that made Style/GuardClause crash. ([@​buehmann][])
  • #​7514: Expose correctable status on offense and in formatters. ([@​tyler-ball][])
  • #​7542: (Breaking) Move LineLength cop from Metrics department to Layout department. ([@​koic][])


Compare Source

Bug fixes
  • #​7493: Fix Style/RedundantReturn to inspect conditional constructs that are preceded by other statements. ([@​buehmann][])
  • #​7509: Fix Layout/SpaceInsideArrayLiteralBrackets to correct empty lines. ([@​ayacai115][])
  • #​7517: Style/SpaceAroundKeyword allows :: after super. ([@​ozydingo][])
  • #​7515: Fix a false negative for Style/RedundantParentheses when calling a method with safe navigation operator. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7477: Fix line length auto-correct for semicolons in string literals. ([@​maxh][])
  • #​7522: Fix a false-positive edge case (n % 2 == 2) for Style/EvenOdd. ([@​buehmann][])
  • #​7506: Make Style/IfUnlessModifier respect all settings in Metrics/LineLength. ([@​jonas054][])


Compare Source

Bug fixes
  • #​7439: Make Style/FormatStringToken ignore percent escapes (%%). ([@​buehmann][])
  • #​7438: Fix assignment edge-cases in Layout/MultilineAssignmentLayout. ([@​gsamokovarov][])
  • #​7449: Make Style/IfUnlessModifier respect rubocop:disable comments for Metrics/LineLength. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​7442: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Style/SafeNavigation when an object check followed by a method call with a comment at EOL. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7434: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Style/MultilineWhenThen when the body of when branch starts with then. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7464: Let Performance/StartWith and Performance/EndWith correct regexes that contain forward slashes. ([@​eugeneius][])
  • #​7465: Add os to allowed names of Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName cop in default config. ([@​nijikon][])
  • #​7446: Add merge to list of non-mutating methods. ([@​cstyles][])
  • #​7077: (Breaking) Rename Unneeded* cops to Redundant* (e.g., Style/UnneededPercentQ becomes Style/RedundantPercentQ). ([@​scottmatthewman][])
  • #​7396: Display assignments, branches, and conditions values with the offense. ([@​avmnu-sng][])


Compare Source

Bug fixes
  • #​7410: Style/FormatStringToken now finds unannotated format sequences in printf arguments. ([@​buehmann][])
  • #​6964: Set default IgnoreCopDirectives to true for Metrics/LineLength. ([@​jdkaplan][])


Compare Source

New features
Bug fixes
  • #​7391: Support pacman formatter on Windows. ([@​laurenball][])
  • #​7256: Fix an error of Style/RedundantParentheses on method calls where the first argument begins with a hash literal. ([@​halfwhole][])
  • #​7263: Make Layout/SpaceInsideArrayLiteralBrackets properly handle tab-indented arrays. ([@​buehmann][])
  • #​7252: Prevent infinite loops by making Layout/SpaceInsideStringInterpolation skip over interpolations that start or end with a line break. ([@​buehmann][])
  • #​7262: Lint/FormatParameterMismatch did not recognize named format sequences like %.2<name>f where the name appears after some modifiers. ([@​buehmann][])
  • #​7253: Fix an error for Lint/NumberConversion when #to_i called without a receiver. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7271, #​6498: Fix an interference between Style/TrailingCommaIn*Literal and Layout/Multiline*BraceLayout for arrays and hashes. ([@​buehmann][])
  • #​7241: Make Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment match only true & false. ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​7290: Handle inner conditional inside else in Style/ConditionalAssignment. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​5788: Allow block arguments on separate lines if line would be too long in Layout/MultilineBlockLayout. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​7305: Register Style/BlockDelimiters offense when block result is assigned to an attribute. ([@​mvz][])
  • #​4802: Don't leave any Lint/UnneededCopEnableDirective offenses undetected/uncorrected. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​7326: Fix a false positive for Style/AccessModifierDeclarations when access modifier name is used for hash literal value. ([@​koic][])
  • #​3591: Handle modifier if/unless correctly in Lint/UselessAssignment. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​7161: Fix Style/SafeNavigation cop for preserve comments inside if expression. ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​5212: Avoid false positive for braces that are needed to preserve semantics in Style/BracesAroundHashParameters. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​7353: Fix a false positive for Style/RedundantSelf when receiver and multiple assigned lvalue have the same name. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7353: Fix a false positive for Style/RedundantSelf when a self receiver is used as a method argument. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7358: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Style/NestedModifier when parentheses are required in method arguments. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7361: Fix a false positive for Style/TernaryParentheses when only the closing parenthesis is used in the last line of condition. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7369: Fix an infinite loop error for Layout/IndentAssignment with Layout/IndentFirstArgument when using multiple assignment. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7177, #​7370: When correcting alignment, do not insert spaces into string literals. ([@​buehmann][])
  • #​7367: Fix an error for Style/OrAssignment cop when then branch body is empty. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7363: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Layout/SpaceInsideBlockBraces and Style/BlockDelimiters when using multiline empty braces. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7212: Fix a false positive for Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAccessModifier and UselessAccessModifier when using method with the same name as access modifier around a method definition. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7312: Mark Style/StringHashKeys as unsafe. ([@​prathamesh-sonpatki][])
  • #​7275: Make Style/VariableName aware argument names when invoking a method. ([@​koic][])
  • #​3534: Make Style/IfUnlessModifier report and auto-correct modifier lines that are too long. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​7261: Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment no longer inserts an empty line after the comment. This is left to Layout/EmptyLineAfterMagicComment. ([@​buehmann][])
  • #​7091: Style/FormatStringToken now detects format sequences with flags and modifiers. ([@​buehmann][])
  • #​7319: Rename IgnoredMethodPatterns option to IgnoredPatterns option for Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7345: Mark unsafe for Style/YodaCondition. ([@​koic][])


Compare Source

New features
Bug fixes
  • #​7217: Make Style/TrailingMethodEndStatement work on more than the first def. ([@​buehmann][])
  • #​7190: Support lower case drive letters on Windows. ([@​jonas054][])
  • Fix the auto-correction of Lint/UnneededSplatExpansion when the splat expansion of with a block is assigned to a variable. ([@​rrosenblum][])
  • #​5628: Fix an error of Layout/SpaceInsideStringInterpolation on interpolations with multiple statements. ([@​buehmann][])
  • #​7128: Make Metrics/LineLength aware of shebang. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6861: Fix a false positive for Layout/IndentationWidth when using EnforcedStyle: outdent of Layout/AccessModifierIndentation. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7235: Fix an error where Style/ConditionalAssignment would swallow a nested if condition. ([@​buehmann][])
  • #​7242: Make Style/ConstantVisibility work on non-trivial class and module bodies. ([@​buehmann][])
  • #​5265: Improved Layout/ExtraSpacing cop to handle nested consecutive assignments. ([@​jfelchner][])
  • #​7215: Make it clear what's wrong in the message from Style/GuardClause. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​7245: Make cops detect string interpolations in more contexts: inside of backticks, regular expressions, and symbols. ([@​buehmann][])
  • Deprecate the SafeMode option. Users will need to upgrade rubocop-performance to 1.5.0+ before the SafeMode module is removed. ([@​rrosenblum][])


Compare Source

New features
Bug fixes
  • #​7170: Fix a false positive for Layout/RescueEnsureAlignment when def line is preceded with private_class_method. ([@​tatsuyafw][])
  • #​7186: Fix a false positive for Style/MixinUsage when using inside multiline block and if condition is after include. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7099: Fix an error of Layout/RescueEnsureAlignment on assigned blocks. ([@​tatsuyafw][])
  • #​5088: Fix an error of Layout/MultilineMethodCallIndentation on method chains inside an argument. ([@​buehmann][])
  • #​4719: Make Layout/Tab detect tabs between string literals. ([@​buehmann][])
  • #​7203: Fix an infinite loop error for Layout/SpaceInsideBlockBraces when EnforcedStyle: no_space with SpaceBeforeBlockParameters: false are set in multiline block. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6653: Fix a bug where Layout/IndentHeredoc would remove empty lines when auto-correcting heredocs. ([@​buehmann][])


Compare Source

New features
Bug fixes
  • #​7121: Fix Style/TernaryParentheses cop to allow safe navigation operator without parentheses. ([@​timon][])
  • #​7063: Fix auto-correct in Style/TernaryParentheses cop. ([@​parkerfinch][])
  • #​7106: Fix an error for Lint/NumberConversion when #to_i called on a variable on a hash. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7107: Fix parentheses offence for numeric arguments with an operator in Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses. ([@​gsamokovarov][])
  • #​7119: Fix cache with non UTF-8 offense message. ([@​pocke][])
  • #​7118: Fix Style/WordArray with encoding: binary magic comment and non-ASCII string. ([@​pocke][])
  • #​7159: Fix an error for Lint/DuplicatedKey when using endless range. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7151: Fix Style/WordArray to also consider words containing hyphens. ([@​fwitzke][])
  • #​6893: Handle implicit rescue correctly in Naming/RescuedExceptionsVariableName. ([@​pocke][], [@​anthony-robin][])
  • #​7165: Fix an auto-correct error for Style/ConditionalAssignment when without else branch'. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7171: Fix an error for Style/SafeNavigation when using unless nil? as a safeguarded'. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7130: Skip auto-correct in Style/FormatString if second argument to String#% is a variable. ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​7171: Fix an error for Style/SafeNavigation when using unless nil? as a safeguarded'. ([@​koic][])


Compare Source

New features
Bug fixes
  • #​7066: Fix Layout/AlignHash when mixed Hash styles are used. ([@​rmm5t][])
  • #​7073: Fix false positive in Naming/RescuedExceptionsVariableName cop. ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​7090: Fix Layout/EmptyLinesAroundBlockBody for multi-line method calls. ([@​eugeneius][])
  • #​6936: Fix Layout/MultilineMethodArgumentLineBreaks when bracket hash assignment on multiple lines. ([@​maxh][])
  • Mark Layout/HeredocArgumentClosingParenthesis incompatible with Style/TrailingCommaInArguments. ([@​maxh][])


Compare Source

New features
Bug fixes


Compare Source

New features
  • Add support for subclassing using to Lint/InheritException. ([@​houli][])
  • #​6779: Add new cop Style/NegatedUnless that checks for unless with negative condition. ([@​tejasbubane][])
Bug fixes
  • #​6900: Fix Rails/TimeZone auto-correct Time.current to ([@​vfonic][])
  • #​6900: Fix Rails/TimeZone to prefer{method} over other acceptable corrections. ([@​vfonic][])
  • #​7007: Fix Style/BlockDelimiters with braces_for_chaining style false positive, when chaining using safe navigation. ([@​Darhazer][])
  • #​6880: Fix .rubocop file parsing. ([@​hoshinotsuyoshi][])
  • #​5782: Do not auto-correct Lint/UnifiedInteger if TargetRubyVersion < 2.4. ([@​lavoiesl][])
  • #​6387: Prevent Lint/NumberConversion from reporting error with Time/DateTime. ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​6980: Fix Style/StringHashKeys to allow string as keys for hash arguments to gsub methods. ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​6969: Fix a false positive with block methods in Style/InverseMethods. ([@​dduugg][])
  • #​6729: Handle array spread for change_column_default in Rails/ReversibleMigration cop. ([@​tejasbubane][])
  • #​7033: Fix an error for Layout/EmptyLineAfterGuardClause when guard clause is a ternary operator. ([@​koic][])
  • Replace with on Rails::Date cop message. ([@​vfonic][])
  • #​6945: Drop support for Ruby 2.2. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6945: Set default EnforcedStyle to squiggly option for Layout/IndentHeredoc and auto_detection option is removed. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6945: Set default EnforcedStyle to always option for Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment and when_needed option is removed. ([@​koic][])
  • #​7027: Allow unicode/display_width dependency version 1.6.0. ([@​tagliala][])


Compare Source

Bug fixes
  • #​6993: Allowing for empty if blocks, preventing Style/SafeNavigation from crashing. ([@​RicardoTrindade][])
  • #​6995: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Style/RedundantParentheses when enclosed in parentheses at while-post or until-post. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6996: Fix a false positive for Style/RedundantFreeze when freezing the result of String#*. ([@​bquorning][])
  • #​6998: Fix auto-correct of Naming/RescuedExceptionsVariableName to also rename all references to the variable. ([@​Darhazer][])
  • #​6992: Fix unknown default configuration for Layout/IndentFirstParameter cop. ([@​drenmi][])
  • #​6972: Fix a false positive for Style/MixinUsage when using inside block and if condition is after include. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6738: Prevent auto-correct conflict of Style/Next and Style/SafeNavigation. ([@​hoshinotsuyoshi][])
  • #​6847: Fix Style/BlockDelimiters to properly check if the node is chained when braces_for_chaining is set. ([@​att14][])


Compare Source

New features
  • #​6973: Add always_braces to Style/BlockDelimiter. ([@​iGEL][])
  • #​6841: Node patterns can now match children in any order using <>. ([@​marcandre][])
  • #​6928: Add --init option for generate .rubocop.yml file in the current directory. ([@​koic][])
  • Add new Layout/HeredocArgumentClosingParenthesis cop. ([@​maxh][])
  • #​6895: Add support for XDG config home for user-config. ([@​Mange][], [@​tejasbubane][])
  • Add initial auto-correction support to Metrics/LineLength. ([@​maxh][])
  • Add Layout/IndentFirstParameter. ([@​maxh][])
  • #​6974: Make Layout/FirstMethodArgumentLineBreak aware of calling using super. ([@​koic][])
  • Add new Lint/HeredocMethodCallPosition cop. ([@​maxh][])
Bug fixes
  • Do not annotate message with cop name in JSON output. ([@​elebow][])
  • #​6914: Fix an error for Rails/RedundantAllowNil when with interpolations. ([@​Blue-Pix][])
  • #​6888: Fix an error for Rails/ActiveRecordOverride when no parent_class present. ([@​diachini][])
  • #​6941: Add missing absence validations to Rails/Validation. ([@​jmanian][])
  • #​6926: Allow nil values to unset config defaults. ([@​dduugg][])
  • #​6946: Allow Rails/ReflectionClassName to use string interpolation for class_name. ([@​r7kamura][])
  • #​6778: Fix a false positive in Style/HashSyntax cop when a hash key is an interpolated string and EnforcedStyle is ruby19_no_mixed_keys. ([@​tatsuyafw][])
  • #​6902: Fix a bug where Naming/RescuedExceptionsVariableName would handle an only first rescue for multiple rescue groups. ([@​tatsuyafw][])
  • #​6860: Prevent auto-correct conflict of Style/InverseMethods and Style/Not. ([@​hoshinotsuyoshi][])
  • #​6935: Layout/AccessModifierIndentation should ignore access modifiers that apply to specific methods. ([@​deivid-rodriguez][])
  • #​6956: Prevent auto-correct conflict of Lint/Lambda and Lint/UnusedBlockArgument. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6915: Fix false positive in Style/SafeNavigation when a modifier if is safe guarding a method call being passed to break, fail, next, raise, return, throw, and yield. ([@​rrosenblum][])
  • #​6822: Fix Lint/LiteralInInterpolation auto-correction for single quotes. ([@​hoshinotsuyoshi][])
  • #​6985: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Lint/LiteralInInterpolation if contains array percent literal. ([@​yakout][])
  • #​7003: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Style/InverseMethods when using BasicObject#!. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6966: Mark Rails/TimeZone as unsafe. ([@​vfonic][])
  • #​5977: Remove Performance cops. ([@​koic][])
  • Add auto-correction to Naming/RescuedExceptionsVariableName. ([@​anthony-robin][])
  • #​6903: Handle variables prefixed with _ in Naming/RescuedExceptionsVariableName cop. ([@​anthony-robin][])
  • #​6917: Bump Bundler dependency to >= 1.15.0. ([@​koic][])
  • Add --auto-gen-only-exclude to the command outputted in rubocop_todo.yml if the option is specified. ([@​dvandersluis][])
  • #​6887: Allow Lint/UnderscorePrefixedVariableName cop to be configured to allow use of block keyword args. ([@​dduugg][])
  • #​6885: Revert adding psych >= 3.1 as runtime dependency. ([@​andreaseger][])
  • Rename Layout/FirstParameterIndentation to Layout/IndentFirstArgument. ([@​maxh][])
  • Extract method call argument alignment behavior from Layout/AlignParameters into Layout/AlignArguments. ([@​maxh][])
  • Rename IndentArray and IndentHash to IndentFirstArrayElement and IndentFirstHashElement. ([@​maxh][])


Compare Source

Bug fixes
  • #​6882: Fix an error for Rails/RedundantAllowNil when not using both allow_nil and allow_blank. ([@​koic][])


Compare Source

  • #​6881: Set default PreferredName to e for Naming/RescuedExceptionsVariableName. ([@​koic][])


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New features
  • #​5184: Add new multiline element line break cops. ([@​maxh][])
  • Add new cop Rails/ActiveRecordOverride that checks for overriding Active Record methods instead of using callbacks. ([@​elebow][])
  • Add new cop Rails/RedundantAllowNil that checks for cases when allow_blank makes allow_nil unnecessary in model validations. ([@​elebow][])
  • Add new Naming/RescuedExceptionsVariableName cop. ([@​AdrienSldy][])
Bug fixes
  • #​6761: Make Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName account for param names prefixed with underscores. ([@​thomthom][])
  • #​6855: Fix an exception in Rails/RedundantReceiverInWithOptions when the body is empty. ([@​ericsullivan][])
  • #​6856: Fix auto-correction for Style/BlockComments when the file is missing a trailing blank line. ([@​ericsullivan][])
  • #​6858: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Lint/ToJSON when there are no to_json arguments. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6865: Fix deactivated StyleGuideBaseURL for Layout/ClassStructure. ([@​aeroastro][])
  • #​6868: Fix Rails/LinkToBlank auto-correct bug when using symbol for target. ([@​r7kamura][])
  • #​6869: Fix false positive for Rails/LinkToBlank when rel is a symbol value. ([@​r7kamura][])
  • Add IncludedMacros param to default rubocop config for Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses. ([@​maxh][])
  • #​6785: Do not register an offense for Rails/Present or Rails/Blank in an unless else context when Style/UnlessElse is enabled. ([@​rrosenblum][])


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New features
  • #​6393: Add AllowBracesOnProceduralOneLiners option to fine-tune Style/BlockDelimiter's semantic mode. ([@​davearonson][])
  • #​6383: Add AllowBeforeTrailingComments option on Layout/ExtraSpacing cop. ([@​davearonson][])
  • New cop Lint/SafeNavigationWithEmpty checks for foo&.empty? in conditionals. ([@​rspeicher][])
  • Add new Style/ConstantVisibility cop for enforcing visibility declarations of class and module constants. ([@​drenmi][])
  • #​6378: Add Lint/ToJSON cop to enforce an argument when overriding #to_json. ([@​allcentury][])
  • #​6346: Add auto-correction to Rails/TimeZone. ([@​dcluna][])
  • #​6840: Node patterns now allow unlimited elements after .... ([@​marcandre][])
Bug fixes
  • #​4321: Fix false offense for Style/RedundantSelf when the method is also defined on Kernel. ([@​mikegee][])
  • #​6821: Fix false negative for Rails/LinkToBlank when _blank is a symbol. ([@​Intrepidd][])
  • #​6699: Fix infinite loop for Layout/IndentationWidth and Layout/IndentationConsistency when bad modifier indentation before good method definition. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6777: Fix a false positive for Style/TrivialAccessors when using trivial reader/writer methods at the top level. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6799: Fix errors for Style/ConditionalAssignment, Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches, Lint/ElseLayout, and Layout/IndentationWidth with empty braces. ([@​pocke][])
  • #​6802: Fix auto-correction for Style/SymbolArray with array contains interpolation when EnforcedStyle is brackets. ([@​pocke][])
  • #​6797: Fix false negative for Layout/SpaceAroundBlockParameters on block parameter with parens. ([@​pocke][])
  • #​6798: Fix infinite loop for Layout/SpaceAroundBlockParameters with EnforcedStyleInsidePipes: :space. ([@​pocke][])
  • #​6803: Fix error for Style/NumericLiterals on a literal that contains spaces. ([@​pocke][])
  • #​6801: Fix auto-correction for Style/Lambda with no-space argument. ([@​pocke][])
  • #​6804: Fix auto-correction of Style/NumericLiterals on numeric literal with exponent. ([@​pocke][])
  • #​6800: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Rails/Validation when method arguments are enclosed in parentheses. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6808: Prevent false positive in Naming/ConstantName when assigning a frozen range. ([@​drenmi][])
  • Fix the calculation of Metrics/AbcSize. Comparison methods and else branches add to the comparison count. ([@​rrosenblum][])
  • #​6791: Allow Rails/ReflectionClassName to use symbol argument for class_name. ([@​unasuke][])
  • #​5465: Fix Layout/ClassStructure to allow grouping macros by their visibility. ([@​gprado][])
  • #​6461: Restrict Ctrl-C handling to RuboCop's loop and simplify it to a single phase. ([@​deivid-rodriguez][])


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New features
  • #​6126: Add an experimental strict mode to Style/MutableConstant that will freeze all constants, rather than just literals. ([@​rrosenblum][])
  • Add IncludedMacros to Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses to allow including specific macros when IgnoreMacros is true. ([@​maxh][])
Bug fixes
  • #​6765: Fix false positives in keyword arguments for Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses omit_parentheses. ([@​gsamokovarov][])
  • #​6763: Fix false positives in range literals for Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses omit_parentheses. ([@​gsamokovarov][])
  • #​6748: Fix Style/RaiseArgs auto-correction breaking in contexts that require parentheses. ([@​drenmi][])
  • #​6751: Prevent Style/OneLineConditional from breaking on retry and break keywords. ([@​drenmi][])
  • #​6755: Prevent Style/TrailingCommaInArgument from breaking when a safe method call is chained on the offending method. ([@​drenmi][], [@​hoshinotsuyoshi][])


Compare Source

New features
  • #​6704: Add new Rails/ReflectionClassName cop. ([@​Bhacaz][])
  • #​6643: Support AllowParenthesesInCamelCaseMethod option on Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses omit_parentheses. ([@​dazuma][])
Bug fixes
  • #​6254: Fix Layout/RescueEnsureAlignment for non-local assignments. ([@​marcotc][])
  • #​6648: Fix auto-correction of Style/EmptyLiteral when is passed as the first argument to super. ([@​rrosenblum][])
  • #​6351: Fix a false positive for Layout/ClosingParenthesisIndentation when first argument is multiline. ([@​antonzaytsev][])
  • #​6689: Support more complex argument patterns on Rails/Validation auto-correction. ([@​r7kamura][])
  • #​6668: Fix auto-correction for Style/UnneededCondition when conditional has the unless form. ([@​mvz][])
  • #​6382: Fix Layout/IndentationWidth with Layout/EndAlignment set to start_of_line. ([@​dischorde][], [@​siegfault][], [@​mhelmetag][])
  • #​6710: Fix Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName on method starts with underscore. ([@​pocke][])
  • #​6722: Fix an error for Style/OneLineConditional when then branch has no body. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6702: Fix TrailingComma regression where heredoc with commas caused false positives. ([@​abrom][])
  • #​6737: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Rails/LinkToBlank when link_to method arguments are enclosed in parentheses. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6720: Fix detection of :native line ending for Layout/EndOfLine on JRuby. ([@​enkessler][])


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Bug fixes
  • #​6678: Fix Lint/DisjunctiveAssignmentInConstructor when it finds an empty constructor. ([@​rmm5t][])
  • Do not attempt to auto-correct mass assignment or optional assignment in Rails/RelativeDateConstant. ([@​rrosenblum][])
  • Fix auto-correction of Style/WordArray and Style/SymbolArray when all elements are on separate lines and there is a trailing comment after the closing bracket. ([@​rrosenblum][])
  • Fix an exception that occurs when auto-correcting Layout/ClosingParenthesesIndentation when there are no arguments. ([@​rrosenblum][])


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New features
Bug fixes
  • #​6607: Improve CLI usage message for --stdin option. ([@​jaredbeck][])
  • #​6641: Specify Performance/RangeInclude as unsafe because Range#include? and Range#cover? are not equivalent. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6636: Move FlipFlop cop from Style to Lint department because flip-flop is deprecated since Ruby 2.6.0. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6661: Abandon making frozen string literals default for Ruby 3.0. ([@​koic][])


Compare Source

New features
  • #​6580: New cop Rails/LinkToBlank checks for link_to calls with target: '_blank' and no rel: 'noopener'. ([@​Intrepidd][])
  • #​6586: New cop Lint/DisjunctiveAssignmentInConstructor checks constructors for disjunctive assignments that should be plain assignments. ([@​jaredbeck][])
Bug fixes
  • #​6560: Consider file count, not offense count, for --exclude-limit in combination with --auto-gen-only-exclude. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​4229: Fix unexpected Style/HashSyntax consistency offence. ([@​timon][])
  • #​6500: Add offense to use in_time_zone instead of deprecated to_time_in_current_zone. ([@​nadiyaka][])
  • #​6577: Prevent Rails/Blank cop from adding offense when define the blank method. ([@​jonatas][])
  • #​6554: Prevent Layout/RescueEnsureAlignment cop from breaking on block assignment when assignment is on a separate line. ([@​timmcanty][])
  • #​6343: Optimise --auto-gen-config when Metrics/LineLength cop is disabled. ([@​tom-lord][])
  • #​6389: Fix false negative for Style/TrailingCommaInHashLiteral/Style/TrailingCommaInArrayLiteral when there is a comment in the last line. ([@​bayandin][])
  • #​6566: Fix false positive for Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAccessModifier when at the end of specifying a superclass is missing blank line. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6571: Fix a false positive for Layout/TrailingCommaInArguments when a line break before a method call and EnforcedStyleForMultiline is set to consistent_comma. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6573: Make Layout/AccessModifierIndentation work for dynamic module or class definitions. ([@​deivid-rodriguez][])
  • #​6562: Fix a false positive for Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses omit_parentheses enforced style after safe navigation call. ([@​gsamokovarov][])
  • #​6570: Fix a false positive for Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses omit_parentheses enforced style while splatting the result of a method invocation. ([@​gsamokovarov][])
  • #​6598: Fix a false positive for Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses omit_parentheses enforced style for calls with regexp slash literals argument. ([@​gsamokovarov][])
  • #​6598: Fix a false positive for Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses omit_parentheses enforced style for default argument value calls. ([@​gsamokovarov][])
  • #​6598: Fix a false positive for Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses omit_parentheses enforced style for argument calls with braced blocks. ([@​gsamokovarov][])
  • #​6594: Fix a false positive for Rails/OutputSafety when the receiver is a non-interpolated string literal. ([@​amatsuda][])
  • #​6574: Fix Style/AccessModifierIndentation not handling arbitrary blocks. ([@​deivid-rodriguez][])
  • #​6370: Fix the enforcing style from extend self into module_function when there are private methods. ([@​Ruffeng][])


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Bug fixes
  • #​6550: Prevent Layout/RescueEnsureAlignment cop from breaking on assigned begin-end. ([@​drenmi][])


Compare Source

New features
Bug fixes
  • #​6433: Fix Ruby 2.5 Layout/RescueEnsureAlignment error on assigned blocks. ([@​gmcgibbon][])
  • #​6405: Fix a false positive for Lint/UselessAssignment when using a variable in a module name. ([@​itsWill][])
  • #​5934: Handle the combination of --auto-gen-config and --config FILE correctly. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​5970: Make running --auto-gen-config in a subdirectory work. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​6412: Fix an unknown keywords error when using Psych.safe_load with Ruby 2.6.0-preview2. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6436: Fix exit status code to be 130 when rubocop is interrupted. ([@​deivid-rodriguez][])
  • #​6443: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Style/BracesAroundHashParameters when the opening brace is before the first hash element at same line. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6445: Treat yield and super like regular method calls in Style/AlignHash. ([@​mvz][])
  • #​3301: Don't suggest or make semantic changes to the code in Style/InfiniteLoop. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​3586: Handle single argument spanning multiple lines in Style/TrailingCommaInArguments. ([@​jonas054][])
  • #​6478: Fix EmacsComment#encoding to match the coding variable. ([@​akihiro17][])
  • Don't show "unrecognized parameter" warning for inherit_mode parameter to individual cop configurations. ([@​maxh][])
  • #​6449: Fix a false negative for Layout/IndentationWidth when setting EnforcedStyle: rails of Layout/IndentationConsistency and method definition indented to access modifier in a singleton class. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6482: Fix a false positive for Lint/FormatParameterMismatch when using (digit)$ flag. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6489: Fix an error for Style/UnneededCondition when if condition and then branch are the same and it has no else branch. ([@​koic][])
  • Fix NoMethodError for Style/FrozenStringLiteral when a file contains only a shebang. ([@​takaram][])
  • #​6511: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Style/EmptyCaseCondition when used as an argument of a method. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6509: Fix an incorrect auto-correct for Style/RaiseArgs when an exception object is assigned to a local variable. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6534: Fix a false positive for Lint/UselessAccessModifier when using private_class_method. ([@​dduugg][])
  • #​6545: Fix a regression where Performance/RedundantMerge raises an error on a sole double splat argument passed to merge!. ([@​mmedal][])
  • #​6360: Detect bad indentation in if nodes even if the first branch is empty. ([@​bquorning][])
  • #​6492: Auto-correct chunks of comment lines in Layout/CommentIndentation to avoid unnecessary iterations for rubocop -a. ([@​jonas054][])
  • Fix --auto-gen-config when individual cops have regexp literal exclude paths. ([@​maxh][])


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New features
Bug fixes
  • #​6330: Fix an error for Rails/ReversibleMigration when using variable assignment. ([@​koic][], [@​scottmatthewman][])
  • #​6331: Fix a false positive for Style/RedundantFreeze and a false negative for Style/MutableConstant when assigning a regexp object to a constant. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6334: Fix a false negative for Style/RedundantFreeze when assigning a range object to a constant. ([@​koic][])
  • #​5538: Fix false negatives in modifier cops when line length cop is disabled. ([@​drenmi][])
  • #​6340: Fix an error for Rails/ReversibleMigration when block argument is empty. ([@​koic][])
  • #​6274: Fix "[Corrected]" message being displayed even when nothing has been corrected. ([@​jekuta][])
  • #​6380: Allow use of a hyphen-separated frozen string literal in Emacs style magic comment. ([@​y-yagi][])
  • Fix and improve LineLength cop for tab-indented code. ([@​AlexWayfer][])


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