Package pipelines in API payload is paginated |
Upgrade to Alpine 3.19 (breaking) |
smeadzinger |
GraphQL networkPolicies resource deprecated |
g.hickman |
project.pipeline.securityReportFindings GraphQL query |
abellucci |
PipelineSecurityReportFinding projectFingerprint GraphQL field |
abellucci |
Vulnerability confidence field |
abellucci |
Registration tokens and server-side runner arguments in POST /api/v4/runners endpoint |
pedropombeiro |
2024-04-22 09:00UTC to 2024-04-24 22:00UTC - Window 1 |
DAST ZAP advanced configuration variables deprecation |
smeadzinger |
The gitlab-runner exec command is deprecated |
DarrenEastman |
GraphQL: The DISABLED_WITH_OVERRIDE value of the SharedRunnersSetting enum is deprecated. Use DISABLED_AND_OVERRIDABLE instead |
tschmitke |
GitLab Helm chart values gitlab.kas.privateApi.* are deprecated |
nagyv-gitlab |
Maintainer role providing the ability to change Package settings using GraphQL API |
trizzi |
Auto DevOps support for Herokuish is deprecated |
nagyv-gitlab |
The Visual Reviews tool is deprecated |
rutshah |
2024-05-06 09:00UTC to 2024-05-08 22:00UTC - Window 3 |
✅ |
Queue selector for running Sidekiq is deprecated |
marcogreg |
HashiCorp Vault integration will no longer use CI_JOB_JWT by default |
jocelynjane |
2024-05-06 09:00UTC to 2024-05-08 22:00UTC - Window 3 |
✅ |
Filepath field in Releases and Release Links APIs |
cbalane |
Trigger jobs can mirror downstream pipeline status exactly |
dhershkovitch |
GitLab Runner platforms and setup instructions in GraphQL API |
mrincon |
Required Pipeline Configuration is deprecated |
khornergit |
The GitLab legacy requirement IID is deprecated in favor of work item IID |
amandarueda |
moved to 18.0 due to a dependency |
Old versions of JSON web tokens are deprecated |
jocelynjane |
2024-05-06 09:00UTC to 2024-05-08 22:00UTC - Window 3 |
✅ |
Single database connection is deprecated |
tkuah |
DingTalk OmniAuth provider |
ifarkas |
Deprecate legacy shell escaping and quoting runner shell executor |
DarrenEastman |
CiRunnerUpgradeStatusType GraphQL type renamed to CiRunnerUpgradeStatus |
pedropombeiro |
CiRunner.projects default sort is changing to id_desc |
pedropombeiro |
sidekiq delivery method for incoming_email and service_desk_email is deprecated |
msaleiko |
PostgreSQL 13 deprecated |
rogerwoo |
GraphQL type, RunnerMembershipFilter renamed to CiRunnerMembershipFilter |
pedropombeiro |
Deprecate Windows CMD in GitLab Runner |
DarrenEastman |
Unified approval rules are deprecated |
nagyv-gitlab |
Deprecate message field from Vulnerability Management features |
abellucci |
GraphQL deprecation of dependencyProxyTotalSizeInBytes field |
trizzi |
Deprecated parameters related to custom text in the sign-in page |
eduardosanz |
The pull-based deployment features of the GitLab agent for Kubernetes is deprecated |
nagyv-gitlab |
OmniAuth Facebook is deprecated |
hsutor |
Deprecate CiRunner GraphQL fields duplicated in CiRunnerManager |
DarrenEastman |
GraphQL field registrySizeEstimated has been deprecated |
kpalchyk |
Twitter OmniAuth login option is deprecated from self-managed GitLab |
jessieay |
Deprecate field hasSolutions from GraphQL VulnerabilityType |
thiagocsf |
Deprecate terminationGracePeriodSeconds in the GitLab Runner Kubernetes executor |
deastman |
GraphQL field totalWeight is deprecated |
tmike |
The ci_job_token_scope_enabled projects API attribute is deprecated |
jocelynjane |
2024-05-06 09:00UTC to 2024-05-08 22:00UTC - Window 3 |
Moved to 18.0 |
Deprecate change vulnerability status from the Developer role |
abellucci |
Geo: Legacy replication details routes for designs and projects deprecated |
sranasinghe |
N/A - Self Managed Only, no impact |
postgres_exporter['per_table_stats'] configuration setting |
clemensbeck |
Internal container registry API tag deletion endpoint |
trizzi |
Offset pagination for /users REST API endpoint is deprecated |
hsutor |
Security policy field newly_detected is deprecated |
g.hickman |
The GitHub importer Rake task |
wortschi |
GraphQL: deprecate support for canDestroy and canDelete |
trizzi |
Breaking change to the Maven repository group permissions |
trizzi |
Container registry support for the Swift and OSS storage drivers |
trizzi |
Proxy-based DAST deprecated |
smeadzinger |
File type variable expansion fixed in downstream pipelines |
jocelynjane |
2024-05-06 09:00UTC to 2024-05-08 22:00UTC - Window 3 |
✅ |
Legacy Geo Prometheus metrics |
sranasinghe |
N/A - Self Managed Only, no impact |
Dependency Proxy: Access tokens to have additional scope checks |
trizzi |
List repository directories Rake task |
mkozono |
Deprecate GraphQL fields related to the temporary storage increase |
aalakkad |
JWT /-/jwks instance endpoint is deprecated |
jocelynjane |
2024-05-06 09:00UTC to 2024-05-08 22:00UTC - Window 3 |
✅ |
after_script keyword will run for cancelled jobs |
rutshah |
2024-05-06 09:00UTC to 2024-05-08 22:00UTC - Window 3 |
✅ |
metric filter and value field for DORA API |
hsnir1 |
Dependency Scanning support for sbt 1.0.X |
johncrowley |
Block usage of ref and sha together in GET /projects/:id/ci/lint |
dhershkovitch |
License List is deprecated |
abellucci |
Support for setting custom schema for backup is deprecated |
sranasinghe |
N/A - Self Managed Only, no impact |
License Scanning support for sbt 1.0.X |
thiagocsf |
GitLab Runner provenance metadata SLSA v0.2 statement |
sam.white |
Linux packages for Ubuntu 18.04 |
balasankarc |
repository_download_operation' audit event type for public projects |
nrosandich |
npm package uploads now occur asynchronously |
trizzi |
Deprecate License Scanning CI templates |
thiagocsf |
dependency_files is deprecated |
abellucci |
SAST analyzer coverage changing in GitLab 17.0 |
connorgilbert |
2024-05-06 09:00UTC to 2024-05-08 22:00UTC - Window 3 |
✅ |
Deprecate Python 3.9 in Dependency Scanning and License Scanning |
gonzoyumo |
Deprecate version field in feature flag API |
timofurrer |
Autogenerated Markdown anchor links with dash (-) characters |
digitalmoksha |
Compliance framework in general settings |
nrosandich |
Heroku image upgrade in Auto DevOps build |
timofurrer |
omniauth-azure-oauth2 gem is deprecated |
hsutor |
Maven versions below 3.8.8 support in Dependency Scanning and License Scanning |
thiagocsf |
Deprecate Grype scanner for Container Scanning |
thiagocsf |
Deprecate fmt job in Terraform Module CI/CD template |
timofurrer |
Security policy field match_on_inclusion is deprecated |
mc_rocha |
Deprecating Windows Server 2019 in favor of 2022 |
gabrielengel_gl |
2024-05-06 09:00UTC to 2024-05-08 22:00UTC - Window 3 |
Secure analyzers major version update |
thiagocsf |
Upgrading the operating system version of GitLab SaaS runners on Linux |
gabrielengel_gl |
2024-05-06 09:00UTC to 2024-05-08 22:00UTC - Window 3 |
Removal of tags from small SaaS runners on Linux |
gabrielengel_gl |
2024-05-06 09:00UTC to 2024-05-08 22:00UTC - Window 3 |
Agent for Kubernetes option ca-cert-file renamed |
timofurrer |
Dependency Scanning incorrect SBOM metadata properties |
gonzoyumo |
Rename the 'require_password_to_approve' field |
nrosandich |
Support for self-hosted Sentry versions 21.4.1 and earlier |
sguyon |
Min concurrency and max concurrency in Sidekiq options |
marcogreg |
Deprecate custom role creation for group owners on self-managed |
jayswain |
Deprecation: GraphQL field take_ownership_pipeline_schedule |
rutshah |
Duplicate storages in Gitaly configuration |
mjwood |
N/A - Self Managed Only, no impact |
omnibus_gitconfig configuration item is deprecated |
mjwood |
N/A - Self Managed Only, no impact |
Scan execution policies enforcing scans with an _EXCLUDED_ANALYZERS variable will override project variables |
g.hickman |