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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.37.3 protected
  • v0.37.2 protected Release: v0.37.2
  • v0.37.1 protected Release: v0.37.1
  • v0.37.0 protected Release: v0.37.0
  • v0.37.0-beta.2 protected
  • v0.37.0-beta.1 protected
  • v0.37.0-beta.0 protected
  • v0.36.0 protected Release: v0.36.0
  • v0.36.0-beta.2 protected
  • v0.36.0-beta.1 protected
  • v0.36.0-beta.0 protected
  • v0.35.0 protected Release: v0.35.0
    Giro3D 0.35.0 release.
  • v0.35.0-beta.2 protected
  • v0.35.0-beta.1 protected
  • v0.35.0-beta.0 protected
  • v0.34.2 protected Release: v0.34.2
    Hotfix for the 0.34 release.
  • v0.34.1 protected Release: v0.34.1
    Hotfix release for 0.34.
  • v0.34.0 protected Release: v0.34.0
  • v0.33.1 protected Release: v0.33.1
  • v0.33.0 protected Release: v0.33.0
    Quality of Life improvements, with most of the codebase migrated to TypeScript.
    - The `GeoJsonParser`, `GpxParser` and `VectorTileParser` modules are deleted as they are not
    being used by Giro3D. Please use dedicated libraries such as OpenLayers or instead
    - `` now only returns an object of type `Coordinates`. To compute the extent as a
    `Vector2`, use the new method `Extent.centerAsVector2()` instead. Similarly, to compute the
    extent as a `Vector3`, use `Extent.centerAsVector3()` (!451)
    - `` is renamed to `Coordinates.toVector3()`. The signature is the same. (!486)
    - The `latitude()` and `longitude()` methods of the `Coordinates` class become accessors. To use
    them, remove the parentheses, e.g: `Coordinates.latitude()` becomes `Coordinates.latitude`, and so
    on. (!451)
    - the `x()`, `y()`, `z()` methods of the `Coordinates` class become accessors. To use them, remove
    the parentheses, e.g: `Coordinates.x()` becomes `Coordinates.x`, and so on. (!451)
    - The `id` parameter of Layer constructor is removed. (!476)
    - `Layer.whenReady` is removed. If you want to await the initialization of the layer, just do
    `await Layer.initialize()`. Note that this should not be necessary, as the layer is initialized
    when added to the map. (#387)
    - The methods `addFrameRequester` and `removeFrameRequester` are removed from `Instance`. Instead,
    use the methods of the `EventDispatcher` (#379):
      // before
      instance.addFrameRequester('before_update', callback);
      instance.removeFrameRequester('before_update', callback)
      // after
      instance.addEventListener('before-update', callback);
      instance.removeEventListener('before-update', callback);
    - Event names for the `Instance` are `kebab-case`:
      - `before_update` -> `before-update`
      - `after_update` -> `after-update`
      - `before_camera_update` -> `before-camera-update`
      - `after_camera_update` -> `after-camera-update`
      - `before_render` -> `before-render`
      - `after_render` -> `after-render`
      - `update_end` -> `update-end`
      - `update_start` -> `update-start`
      The events mentioning layers are renamed to mention entities
      - `before_layer_update` -> `before-entity-update`
      - `after_layer_update` -> `after-entity-update`
    - removed broken `DEMUtils` (`getElevationValueAt`, `placeObjectOnGround`) (!490)
    - removed broken support for `OrthographicCamera` (!490)
    - `Drawing` doesn't take a reference to `Instance` anymore (!493):
      - its constructor doesn't take the reference to `Instance` anymore
      - calls to update the shape (`update`, `setGeojson`, `setCoordinates`, `setMaterials`)
        require a call to `instance.notifyChange` afterwards
    - `point2DFactory` option of `Drawing` now uses the same prototype as `DrawTool` (text as a
    string) (!493)
    - picking results use the property `entity` instead of `layer` for more consistency (!489)
    - entities that were defining `pickObjectsAt` method now define `pick` instead for clarity (!489)
    - Build scripts are renamed (!500):
      - script `prepare-package` renamed to `build-package`/`build` (alias),
      - script `build-package` replaced by `make-package`,
      - script `apidoc` renamed to `build-apidoc`
    ### Feat
    - **Instance**: enable picking vector features (#168)
    - **Extent**: add methods to compute center as vectors (!451)
    - **DrawTool**: add entity for handling multiple `Drawing`s and help picking (#384)
    - **Coordinates**: add `toVector2`() (!508)
    - **ColorLayer**: allow setting the elevation range (!509)
    - **Entity**: add the `userData` property (!512)
    - **Layer**: add the `userData` property (!512)
    - **examples**: add example for `FirstPersonControls` (!490)
    - **examples**: `wfs_mesh`: enable status bar and fixed label not disappearing (!489)
    - **examples**: more sources in `planar_vector` and display metadata on hover (!489)
    ### Fix
    - **DrawTool**: prevent splicing meshes to be picked up by raycasting (#384)
    - **Map**: guarantee that `addLayer()` always resolve (#387)
    - **Map**: add `imageSize` accessor (!482)
    - **Inspector**: use integers for relevant charts (!495)
    - **Picking**: `pickObjectsAt` does not work with radius=0 (#168)
    - **RequestQueue**: improve typing of `enqueue()` to infer return type (!492)
    - **examples**: fix examples with view parameter (!484)
    - **examples**: fix IGN WFS, WMS and WMTS endpoints (!491)
    - **examples**: fix `layer_ordering` (!476)
    ### Refactor
    - **Instance**: remove frame requester API (#379)
    - **DEMUtils**: remove `DEMUtils` (!490)
    - **FirstPersonControls**: migrate `FirstPersonControls` to TypeScript (!490)
    - **version**: migrate version to TypeScript (!490)
    - **registerChunks**: migrate registerChunks to TypeScript (!490)
    - **Inspector**: migrate Inspectors to TypeScript (!490)
    - **B3dmParser**: migrate `B3dmParser` to TypeScript (!490)
    - **BatchTableParser**: migrate `BatchTableParser` to TypeScript (!490)
    - **PntsParser**: migrate `PntsParser` to TypeScript (!490)
    - **ShaderUtils**: migrate `ShaderUtils` to TypeScript (!490)
    - **Utf8Decoder**: migrate `Utf8Decoder` to TypeScript (!490)
    - **PromiseUtils**: migrate `PromiseUtils` to TypeScript (!490)
    - **ObjectRemovalHelper**: migrate `ObjectRemovalHelper` to TypeScript (!490)
    - **RenderPipeline**: migrate `RenderPipeline` to TypeScript (!490)
    - **RenderingOptions**: migrate `RenderingOptions` to TypeScript (!490)
    - **PointsMaterial**: migrate `PointsMaterial` to TypeScript (!490)
    - **PointCloudRenderer**: migrate `PointCloudRenderer` to TypeScript (!490)
    - **MemoryTracker**: migrate MemoryTracker to TypeScript (!490)
    - **MaterialUtils**: migrate `MaterialUtils` to TypeScript (!490)
    - **Camera**: migrate `Camera` to TypeScript (!490)
    - **c3DEngine**: migrate c3DEngine to TypeScript (!490)
    - **TileGeometry**: migrate TileGeometry to TypeScript (!490)
    - **Capabilities**: migrate Capabilities to TypeScript (!490)
    - **LayerUpdateState**: migrate LayerUpdateState to TypeScript (!490)
    - **Rect**: migrate Rect to TypeScript (!490)
    - **OBB**: migrate OBB to TypeScript (!484)
    - **PotreePointCloud**: migrate to TypeScript (!484)
    - **Helpers**: migrate helpers to TypeScript (!484)
    - **Tiles3D**: migrate `Tiles3D` to TypeScript (!484)
    - **MainLoop**: migrate `MainLoop` to TypeScript (!484)
    - **Coordinates**: rename `xyz()` -> `toVector3()` (!486)
    - **RequestQueue**: explicitly implement interface `Progress` (!487)
    - **Instance**: migrate `Instance` to TypeScript (!480)
    - **Picking**: migrate `Picking` to TypeScript (!480)
    - **DrawTool**: migrate to TypeScript and fix its typing definitions (#372)
    - **Layer**: remove `id` constructor parameter and introduce `name` (!476)
    - **Layer**: expose `source` property as readonly (!476)
    - **Coordinates**: `longitude()` and `latitude()` becomes accessors (!451)
    - **Coordinates**: `x`, `y`, and `z` become accessors (!451)
    - **Parsers**: delete unused parsers (!479)
    ### Perf
    - **CogSource**: reuse the same worker pool to avoid creating many workers (!485)
    - **Map**: use 2 channels instead of 4 for elevation textures (#376)