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Initial commit for the Runner releaser

Georgi N. Georgiev requested to merge initial-commit into main

Please first review gitlab-org/ci-cd/runner-tools/gitlab-changelog!32 (merged)

  gitlab-runner-group-releaser [command]

Available Commands:
  changelog          Generates only the changelog for specified releases and writes them to stdout
  completion         Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help               Help about any command
  release-gitlab     Runs the 'stable gitlab release' job. Currently unused. Will be reworked to allow any job name and 'stable gitlab release' will be made a manual job.
  stable-branch      Creates stable branches from the main branch or from an already existing stable branch, depending on whether it's a patch release. Changelog is generated for the new release and comited to the branch. Running this command multiple times will update the changelog correctly.
  tag                Creates tags for specified releases
  wait-stable-branch Waits for the specified stable branches' pipelines to be finished
  wait-tag           Waits for the specified tags' pipelines to be finished

      --dry-run   Do not actually create any tags or branches, just print what would be done
  -h, --help      help for gitlab-runner-group-releaser

Refer to the readme at gitlab-runner-group-releases!1

Related to gitlab-org/gitlab-runner#29456 (closed), gitlab-org/gitlab-runner#29445

Edited by Georgi N. Georgiev

Merge request reports