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Snap redlining + Corrects Cesium duplicated shapes


  • Snap redlining to terrain (solves #204 (closed))

  • Corrects an event order issue that add multiple geometries in Cesium for one redlining shape. When drawing a shape while the 3D Cesium panel is open, the order in which the event are received by OlCesium was incorrect. This was creating multiple instance of the shape in the 3D view.

Job done

  • All the vectors in the 3D are now snapped to the map

  • The order in which events are sent to OlCesium is correct, and shapes are no longer duplicated

Definition of Done

For the Developer:

  • Code compiles and conforms to defined coding standards (eslint, tsc, prettier).
  • If necessary (at the developer's discretion), unit tests have been added for critical parts.
  • All unittests run without error.
  • Sonar-Scan returns no new issues or security hotspots.
  • Documentation has been updated where necessary (see documentation repository).
  • Merge-Request contains a few explanations of what was done.
  • A Reviewer has been assigned to the Merge-Request.

For the Reviewer:

  • New code was reviewed.
  • If comments could be added on unclear code, the developer has been informed.
  • If unitests could be added in certain places, the developer has been informed.
  • Merge-Request was merged on main branch.
  • All pipelines work.
  • The bugfix was tested on demo environment.
  • Application performance has not been degraded by the modifications.


Co-authored-by: Dolpic

Closes #204 (closed)

Edited by Stéphane Malta e Sousa

Merge request reports