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Can query wmts background layers


For #329 Can query background layers with QueryLayer metadata.

Job done

Query also background layers, not only layers in layertree.

Know issue:

It's working.

But I think we have the same issue with layertree's WMTS: I don't know how to determine if we should use GetFeatureInfo or getFeature requests. Currently WMTS with queryLayers metadata always do GetFeatureInfo request. In the #329 example, we should do a GetFeature I think.

(Do be sure we do GetFeatureInfo, I remove manually the wfsUrl here:

IMO we should open a new dedicated issue to determine and debug GetFeature VS getFeatureInfo

Definition of Done

For the Developer:

  • Code compiles and conforms to defined coding standards (eslint, tsc, prettier).
  • If necessary (at the developer's discretion), unit tests have been added for critical parts.
  • All unittests run without error.
  • Sonar-Scan returns no new issues or security hotspots.
  • Documentation has been updated where necessary (see documentation repository).
  • Merge-Request contains a few explanations of what was done.
  • A Reviewer has been assigned to the Merge-Request.

For the Reviewer:

  • New code was reviewed.
  • If comments could be added on unclear code, the developer has been informed.
  • If unitests could be added in certain places, the developer has been informed.
  • Merge-Request was merged on main branch.
  • All pipelines work.
  • The changes were tested on demo environment.
  • Application performance has not been degraded by the modifications.

Related to #329

Edited by Stéphane Malta e Sousa

Merge request reports