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Hyprland download section: disable download button functionality and change button text to "coming soon!"

Jasmint requested to merge jastx-jasmint/garuda-homepage:master into master

Hello Garuda team,
This merge request should help prevent further confusion about the Hyprland downloads (seen in forum posts such as ).
The 'coming soon' heading was removed in favour of putting the text in the download button instead. I also commented out the dropdown functionality so the button can't be used to go to the download links (which people don't have permission to view/access anyway). This technically means that anyone who does an inspect on the page can copy-paste the links from the commented section, but they'd have to be pretty persistent to consider doing that in the first place.

When the download is officially ready, feel free to remove the changes these commits make.
Also, weirdly enough, there was an unintended side-effect of the Hyprland description text style being made consistent with all the other descriptions of the page. If you don't like that, let me know what to change as I have no idea how that came about.

Improvements or closing this merge request are welcome (obviously haha 馃槀 )

Edited by Jasmint

Merge request reports