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Implement CI/CD and apply a much more readable code style via prettier

dr460nf1r3 requested to merge linters into master

Once this PR has been merged, all master branch commits will automatically be checked against eslint (JS), linthtml (HTML) and stylelint (CSS) before deployment.

If checks succeed (this has been forced by using "|| true" for now since a lot of checks fail - @Namanlp should fix this), the current commit gets pushed to the cf-pages branch, which then automatically deploys to Cloudflare Pages.

This moves our Nginx-provided redirects to the Cloudflare pages compatible _redirects file, which will be used after moving the main website there. Currently, the deployment happens to, to be replaced with

It also adds our privacy policy, which was set up a while ago and updates the Markdown files.

Main benefits:

  • Very easy deployment for everyone
  • Outsources to Cloudflare
  • A lot better readability for HTML files
  • Integrity checks before deployments to not deploy faulty content (once we remove || true and have it all comply to the linters)
Edited by dr460nf1r3

Merge request reports