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  • gambas's avatar
    Many fixes to the GTK+3 components, and rewrite the SpinBox control in Gambas. · ee674d90
    gambas authored
    * NEW: Remove the native SpinBox implementation.
    * BUG: Add specific fixes for breeze and oxygen themes.
    * NEW: Remove the native SpinBox implementation.
    * BUG: ComboBox: Fix rendering.
    * BUG: ComboBox: Use a GtkBox instead of the deprecated GtkAlignment.
    * BUG: Style: Fix some paint methods and metric properties.
    * BUG: Add specific fixes for breeze and oxygen themes.
    * NEW: SpinBox: New implementation of the control in Gambas.
    * BUG: ProgressBar: Fix rendering with GTK+ components.
    * NEW: Remove the native SpinBox implementation.
    * NEW: RadioButton: Fill the widget when the background color is set.
    * BUG: Style: Fix some metric properties.
    * NEW: Remove the native SpinBox implementation.
    * NEW: RadioButton: Fill the widget when the background color is set.
    * BUG: Style: Fix some metric properties.