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  • Benoît Minisini's avatar
    Benoît Minisini authored
    * BUG: Now the offline help on component symbols should be displayed 
      correctly in any case.
    * NEW: Support for automatic session management.
    * BUG: Some fixes in single file editing mode.
    * NEW: Args.All is a new property that returns all the command-line 
      arguments as a string array. Not definitive: it may be removed in the
    * NEW: Application.Restart is a new property that allows to define the 
      application restart command for the session manager. Beware that it has
      no effect at the moment!
    * NEW: Support for automatic session management. Only gb.qt4 implements it
      at the moment.
    * NEW: Application.Restart is a new property that allows to define the 
      application restart command for the session manager.
    git-svn-id: svn://localhost/gambas/trunk@6392 867c0c6c-44f3-4631-809d-bfa615b0a4ec