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  • Benoît Minisini's avatar
    [CONFIGURATION] · 0665d5f7
    Benoît Minisini authored
    * BUG: Configuration summary should be printed correctly again.
    * NEW: README file was updated.
    * BUG: The Error information should not be lost anymore during error 
      propagation through constructors.
    * NEW: Natural comparison is now always language-aware.
    * BUG: TextArea selection methods work correctly now.
    * BUG: TreeView.Count and ColumnView.Count now return the number of items 
      in the view like in gb.gtk, not just the number of root items.
    git-svn-id: svn://localhost/gambas/trunk@2643 867c0c6c-44f3-4631-809d-bfa615b0a4ec