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VT100 window manipulations (all in one commit)

Bruce Steers requested to merge (removed):VT100-WinManipulation-1cmt into master


  • NEW: various XTerm window manipulation escape sequences added to VT100
  • NEW: Added Boolean Property WinManipulation to enable manipulations.

Useful if your terminalview is standalone in a form/window.
Set property TerminalView1.WinManipulations to True and it
enables the following XTerm escape sequences on the top window...

Eg. Type 'echo -en "\033[10;2t"' to toggle fullscreen.

Handles the following modes...
1, minimize false
2, minimize true
3, move window (x,y)
4, Resize (h,w) in pixels
5, stack front (this sets or unsets Stacking=Window.Above)
6, stack back (this sets or unsets Stacking=Window.Below)
7, Refresh
8, Resize (lines, cols) text characters
9;0 maximize false
9;1 maximize true (also works as true/false toggle)
10;0 full screen off
10;1 full screen on
10;2 full screen toggle
5 and 6 should ideally just send window to front or back and not set stacking but i do not know how.
(can soon modify)

Edited by Bruce Steers

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