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fix types of code attribute and stack_map writer

Julius Michaelis requested to merge formalferret/noak:master into master

I was trying to add a StackMapTable, but couldn't get the necessary writer. I also wasn't able to use StackMapTableWriter::full. After the changes in this MR, the following code at least compiles:

                                    .instructions(|code| {
                                        let l1 = code.new_label()?;
                                                ("out", "Ljava/io/PrintStream;"),
                                            .ldc(cpool::String::by("Hello, World!"))?
                                                ("println", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"),
                                    .exceptions(|_| Ok(()))?
                                    .attributes(|a| {
                                        a.begin(|a| {
                                            a.stack_map_table(|smt| {
                                                smt.full(labels[0], |full| {
                                                    Ok(full.locals(|locals| {
                                                        locals.begin(|local| local.long())?;

but I haven't really understood StackMapTables or this library yet, so, this might be complete nonsense. It does not get me a usable class, in fact:

Error: Unable to initialize main class Example
Caused by: java.lang.ClassFormatError: StackMapTable format error: wrong attribute size

There doesn't happen to be a example of using this library feature somewhere? (I wish the stack map could just be auto-calculated…)

(On a semi-related note: I also noticed that I can add a code section in the class attributes, which OpenJDK java apparently ignores as a custom attribute. Should I file an issue?)

Edited by Julius Michaelis

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