tagged fixes release candidate 4.0RC2
set fixes version to 4.0RC1
set main version to 4.99
tagged 3.6 from fixes_3_0
tagged 3.4 from fixes_3_0
tagged 3.2
tagged lazarus 3.0
tag 3.0RC2
fixes 3 branch
main to version 3_99
tagged version 3.0RC1
tagged lazarus 2.2.6
tagged 2.2.4 as lazarus_2_2_4
tagged fixes_2_2 as lazarus_2_2_2
tagged fixes_2_2 as lazarus_2_2_0
tagged 2.2.0RC2 as lazarus_2_2_0_RC2
The branch was created for fixing issue #39424 in the comboex unit.
lcl-smartlink branch
listviewsortindicator branch