Difference between Cocoa and Carbon DPI, or Font size, or Line height...?
Original Reporter info from Mantis: cobata
Reporter name:
Original Reporter info from Mantis: cobata
- Reporter name:
Porting from Carbon to Cocoa...
Exists some difference between Cocoa and Carbon DPI, or Font size, or Line height...? It is more obvious on forms with more components and/ or TLabels with multiline text, for example.
The attached zip contains the project and sources.
Steps to reproduce:
See above.
Just open and build the project for Carbon on Lazarus 1.8.4 and for Cocoa on Lazarus Trunk 1.9.0 and run them.
Because the forms contain just 2 components, run the Carbon and Cocoa apps and place their main forms one over the other and switch continuously between the apps by clicking on their icons (to catch the differences).
Mantis conversion info:
- Mantis ID: 33990
- OS: macOS
- OS Build: 10.13.5
- Build: 58509
- Platform: cocoa32/64
- Version: 1.9 (SVN)
- Fixed in revision: 62528 (#4ac51dd8)
- Monitored by: » cobata (cobata)