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Faster Math.RandG using the ratio of uniforms method.

Rika requested to merge runewalsh/source:randg into main

Implement Math.RandG using this cool method from Numerical Recipes — The Art of Scientific Computing — 3rd Edition:


Demo: RandG.pas.

My results:

                       RandG trunk                              RandG new
                            ###                                    ###
                          #######                                #######
                         #########                              #########
                         #########                              #########
                        ###########                            ###########
                       #############                          #############
                      ###############                        ###############
                     #################                      #################
                    ###################                    ###################
                   #####################                  #####################
                 #########################              #########################
              ###############################        ###############################
Out of range: 88614 / 100000000 (0.1%).              89220 / 100000000 (0.1%).

Took (x64/SSE):  5.6 s                                  2.3 s 
Took (i386/FPU): 8.4 s                                  5.9 s

With SSE, polar method is more than 2× slower, which means it will remain slower even without discarding the second output. And though with FPU, it is less than 2× slower so could be faster by not discarding the second value, keeping the state is impossible because of RandSeed, so is not even an option.

Edited by Rika

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