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Draft: Introduce DW_TAG_string_type for dwarf-4

Martin requested to merge martin_frb/fpc-src:mfr-dwarf-tag-string into main

Following the advice from by Florian

What about using DW_TAG_string_type for this? IIRC, when I implemented dwarf, it was not available/not supported, but fpdebug can do they. I am not sure about the status of GDB about it though :)

Maybe there should be a switch added to enable it -godwarfstring / -godwarfpdebug? Or maybe it is enough that it is disabled with -godwarfcpp ?

  • FpDebug (Lazarus 3.99) handles it
  • gdb 14.1-3.fc38 handles it ... sort of
    • x/s MyVar prints the string fine for ansi and short. For widestring only the first char
    • p MyVar -data-evaluate-expression MyVar it prints the chars as numbers {56, 54, 56, 54, 97} instead of '8686a' (for widestring it only prints half the chars)
    • x MyVar also prints the ordinal values of each char, but as 0x36383638 and only the first 4 chars
  • lldb 16.0.6 (Fedore 38) does not handle it (it recognizes the tag, but give an error
    • for ansistring Couldn't materialize: couldn't get the value of variable s: Unable to determine byte size.
    • for shortstring unhandled type tag DW_TAG_string_type (DW_TAG_string_type),
    • No idea why the difference. Maybe

So basically, not fully working with other debuggers.

The implementation is for DWARF-4 only.

Non-widestrings would work for DWARF-3 too. If widestrings would work depends on If the length is in byte, then the use of DW_OP_stack_value can be dropped, and it works in DWARF-3 as well.

Marking this as a draft

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