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2-instruction 0-jump 0-cmov BSR/F on x86 based on half-documented reality.

Rika requested to merge runewalsh/source:bs into main

Free Pascal documents that BSR/F return 255 on zero input, and presently they are compiled into:

{-$optimization nopeephole}
	x: uint32;
	x := random(0) + 5;
	x := BsrDWord(x);
; x := BsrDWord(x);
mov   ecx, $FF
bsr   ebx, eax
cmovz ebx, ecx

Until recent changes it was even (try nopeephole):

; x := BsrDWord(x);
bsr ebx, eax
jnz .done
mov ebx, $FF

Now, let’s look at the vendor’s documentation.


If the second operand contains 0, the instruction sets ZF to 1 and does not change the contents of the destination register.


If the content of the source operand is 0, the content of the destination operand is undefined.

In this seemingly unfortunate situation, we shall turn to folklore: [1], [2], [3], [4]. They say that despite wording, Intel silently implements the same behavior as AMD, which makes sense.

So, in practice, dest := BSF/R(src) can be compiled into MOV dest, $FF; BSF/R dest, src.

Benchmark: BsfBenchmark.pas.

My speedup: 0.90.3 ns/call.

Grains of salt:

  1. None of the compilers on Godbolt do this, maybe for a reason, maybe not...

  2. Folklore is discreet about ancient Intel CPUs, consult your sources.

  3. I have positively no idea what’s going on in the code I changed, please recheck.

  4. what happened with pipelines

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