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Check if the destination contents are going to change.

Rika requested to merge runewalsh/source:asame into main

In fpc_shortstr_to_ansistr and fpc_char_to_ansistr, check if (small enough, to limit bad cases) Result already has the desired contents. This can have nontrivial probability for various reasons; e.g. benchmark SaBenchmark.pas calls IntToStr in a loop because guess what.

My results:

                               before         after
Same IntToStr (temporary):   20 ns/call    10 ns/call
Same IntToStr (global):      60 ns/call    12 ns/call
Worst case:                  20 ns/call    24 ns/call

Compiling FPC+libraries with FpcUpDeluxe hits this case in 2.7% (272k / 10m) of fpc_shortstr_to_ansistr and 0.4% (658 / 174k) of fpc_char_to_ansistr.

Compiling Lazarus with FpcUpDeluxe: 2.8% (1.07m / 38.2m) of fpc_shortstr_to_ansistr and 0.8% (3.7k / 449k) of fpc_char_to_ansistr.

Running Lazarus: 12.4% (22k / 177k) of fpc_shortstr_to_ansistr and 87% (30.4k / 35k) of fpc_char_to_ansistr.

And no, concatenations are worse (might depend on the application, but my application, FPC, and Lazarus are all bad to terrible examples, thus appearing to be a trend; also, eg compiling FPC+libraries with FPCUpDeluxe calls fpc_pchar_to_ansistr like a trillion (5 millions) of times and they run in 0.255 s with zero cases for result reuse, but adding the same optimization to fpc_pchar_to_ansistr does not change their performance at all, even though 30% of these calls reach CompareByte; so I think I will do the same for concatenations once I have a single use case :D; concatenation checks are more complex though, deteriorating the main branch more).

Edited by Rika

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