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Respect the dead.

Rika requested to merge runewalsh/source:dead_cwp into main

Sorry for the name. 👻

When I did a FillQWord for !544 (merged) I accidentally noticed a bug (typo) in 💀CompareWord_Plain💀 that causes

	a, b: array of uint16;
	a := [1, 0, 3, 4];
	b := [1, 1, 3, 4];
	writeln(CompareWord_Plain(pUint16(a)^, pUint16(b)^, length(a)));

to print 1 instead of a negative value. Also, sub $2, %ecx; jle .LLastPtrUint never jumps because ecx ≥ 3 at this point.

Merge request reports