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[x86] Extensions to FuncMov2Func optimisation


This merge request contains three commits related to extending the FuncMov2Func optimisation:

  • FuncMov2Func now works for 1, 3 and 4-operand instructions where the last operand is a pure write and the others are all pure reads.
  • FuncMov2Func has been moved to a separate procedure so it can also be called in Pass 2 since other Pass 2 optimisations can open up new opportunities.
  • Due to being called in Pass 2, the FuncMov2Func optimisation now checks to see if the end result is mov %reg,%reg, which can happen if the function is another MOV instruction, since this gets missed in Pass 2 otherwise.


  • Processor architecture: i386, x86_64

What is the current bug behavior?


What is the behavior after applying this patch?

FuncMov2Func now optimises for 1, 3 and 4-operand instructions which are immediately followed by a MOV instruction.

Relevant logs and/or screenshots

Under x86_64-win64, -O4, in the defutils unit, FuncMov2Mov gets called twice in a row to collapse a dependency chain - before:

	movb	(%r8,%rax,1),%dl
	movb	%dl,%cl
	movb	%cl,%bl
	jmp	.Lj836


	movb	(%r8,%rax,1),%bl
# Peephole Optimization: Removed MOV and changed destination on previous instruction to optimise register usage (FuncMov2Func)
# Peephole Optimization: Removed MOV and changed destination on previous instruction to optimise register usage (FuncMov2Func)
	jmp	.Lj836

In the System unit - before:

.section .text.n_system_$$_align$qword$qword$$qword,"ax"
	.balign 16,0x90
	movq	%rdx,%r8
	leaq	-1(%rdx),%rax
	leaq	(%rcx,%rax),%r9
	andq	%rax,%rdx
	jne	.Lj191
	andn	%r9,%rax,%rax
	movq	%rax,%rcx
# Peephole Optimization: Duplicated 1 assignment(s) and redirected jump
# Peephole Optimization: %rcx = %rax; changed to minimise pipeline stall (MovXXX2MovXXX)
# Peephole Optimization: Mov2Nop 4 done
	.p2align 4,,10
	.p2align 3
	movq	%r9,%rax
	xorl	%edx,%edx
	divq	%r8
	subq	%rdx,%r9
	movq	%r9,%rcx
	movq	%rcx,%rax


.section .text.n_system_$$_align$qword$qword$$qword,"ax"
	.balign 16,0x90
	movq	%rdx,%r8
	leaq	-1(%rdx),%rax
	leaq	(%rcx,%rax),%r9
	andq	%rax,%rdx
	jne	.Lj191
	andn	%r9,%rax,%rcx
	movq	%rcx,%rax ; <-- Registers have been swapped, but this is not yet optimised into just "andn %r9,%rax,%rax" because %rcx is still tracked as 'in use'.  A future merge request aims to correct this.
# Peephole Optimization: Removed MOV and changed destination on previous instruction to optimise register usage (FuncMov2Func)
# Peephole Optimization: Duplicated 1 assignment(s) and redirected jump
	.p2align 4,,10
	.p2align 3
	movq	%r9,%rax
	xorl	%edx,%edx
	divq	%r8
	subq	%rdx,%r9
	movq	%r9,%rax
# Peephole Optimization: Removed MOV and changed destination on previous instruction to optimise register usage (FuncMov2Func)

Additional notes

Sometimes, FuncMov2Func now does the work of SETcc/MOV -> SETcc, although there are still cases where the latter is performed instead.

Some new inefficiencies were identified thanks to this improved optimisation - for example, in the SysUtils unit:

	movb	%sil,%dil
	movb	-4(%rbp),%dil
	movb	-4(%rbp),%sil

That first MOV instruction could be removed.

In unicodedata - before (unrelated debug messages removed for clarity):

	movzwl	(%r12),%ecx
	leaq	(%r12,%rcx),%rdx
	movq	%rdx,%r12
	jmp	.Lj957
	.balign 16,0x90


	movzwl	(%r12),%ecx
	leaq	(%r12,%rcx),%r12
# Peephole Optimization: Removed MOV and changed destination on previous instruction to optimise register usage (FuncMov2Func)
	jmp	.Lj957
	.balign 16,0x90

In this situation, another run of Pass 2 would convert the LEA instruction into add %rcx,%r12.

Merge request reports