Last commits of compiler "doesn't see" the FBLIB environment variable
The compiler trunk (commit hash 57a1b5a3) does not identify the existing environment variable FBLIB, which is why the ibx components dependent on the variable issue a warning about its absence in the system and are not displayed in the Lazarus component palette. This behavior is not observed in the ed8a05d6 compiler commit.
System Information
- Operating system: <Windows 10 x64 Prof, Debian 12 amd64>
- Processor architecture:
- Compiler version: <trunk commit hash 57a1b5a3>
- Device:
Steps to reproduce
Set the FBLIB environment variable and specify the path to the Firebird server client library in it
Download the IBX components for example from here:
Open the dclibx.lpk package, compile and install it
Rebuild Lazarus IDE
When you restart the program, you will receive an error
IBX is unable to locate or otherwise load the Firebird Library - have you remembered to install it?
and the components will not be reflected