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Draft: SIMBAD request failure

Fred DJN requested to merge FRed_Shift/siril:Star_name_plus into master

This is just a small mod proposal:

At the time of plate solving, if we use a star name such as TYC 4386-530-1, the requests to the 3 servers (Simbad, Vizier and CDS) is OK.

If we use a star name such as BD+29 2767 , only Vizier and CDS return the right answer. Simbad shows... nothing.

This behaviour is confirmed by using the Search function which is more verbose.

The Simbad server doesn't like "+" sign in the URL...


The proposed solution is to explicitly turn the "+" sign into its hex equivalent.

Then the Simbad answer becomes good.****

And to be consistent, this mod for the "+" sign is also applied the de 2 other servers.

And to be much more consistent, it's also applied to the "-" sign to the 3 servers.

Merge request reports