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1.4.0 - Part 1

FredZinelli requested to merge bellman-ford into main
  • closes 104 (Draw/nodes&edges/weight input updates properly on selection changes) (reported to another merge request)
  • closes #105 (closed) (FIX - make edges unclickable in algo canvas)
  • closes #107 (closed) (CHANGE - interrupted animation state more obvious)
    • implementation
    • docs
  • closes #108 (closed) (ADD - Bellman-Ford)
  • closes #109 (closed) (CHANGE - rework the algo options cascading to make it more useful/flexible)
  • closes #110 (closed) (CHANGE - make incompatible algo more obvious)
    • implementation
    • docs
  • closes #111 (closed) (FIX - empty lines not showing up in between pseudo-code locations/groups
  • closes #112 (closed) (CHANGE - rework algo feedback layout, and update exported animation to match the changes)
    • implementation
    • animation exportation
    • docs
  • closes #114 (closed) (CHANGE - update/cleanup python devops)
  • closes #115 (closed) : add new default graph for Bellamn-Ford
  • closes #116 (closed) : FIX - Overlaying buttons (docs, repo, prefs, ...) were not sliding out properly with V after a first use.
  • closes #119 (closed) : FIX - Scaling feedback was rendering weirdly, from user's PoV.
  • FIX - maxSteps input for algos was keeping the limits of the first algo when entering the page/tool
  • FIX - min, max and step @Inputs weren't working anymore for NumInput components.
  • CHANGE - All overflow modes updated to auto instead of scroll
Edited by FredZinelli

Merge request reports