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(!985) Horde Size Change

nameless requested to merge HordeSizeChange into develop



  • Horde size increased to 15 from 10
  • Buildtime reduced to 25s from 30s - Health decreased to 265 from 400
  • Damage decreased to 60(120 FB) from 80(160 FB)
  • Cavalry armor increased to 150%(75% HA) from 200% (67% HA)

Lorien Warriors

  • Horde size increased to 15 from 12
  • Buildtime reduced to 25s from 30s
  • Health reduced to 220 from 275
  • Added 75% structure scalar (-25% damage vs structures)



I have:

  • Tagged my change with the ;,; comment block.
  • Ensured that this merge request changes exactly one thing.
  • Attached the proper labels to this merge request.
  • Added the Merge Request number in the title. e.g. (!42)
  • Added a devlog entry for this change.
  • Tested my code.
Edited by nameless

Merge request reports