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(!527) Added/restored serval particles fx

Jean Miraak requested to merge particles into develop


Restore some left out particles for diffrent powers



- Rallying Call, Frozen Land, Snowbind, Avalanche, Elven Wood, Golden Arrow, Barbed Arrow, Poison Arrow, Hawk Strike, Hawk Strike, Morgul Blade, Dark Lord's Lament, AOD Summon, Soul Freeze, Well of Souls and Corpse Rain got additional effects left out by EA



I have:

  • Tagged my change with the ;,; comment block.
  • Ensured that this merge request changes exactly one thing.
  • Attached the proper labels to this merge request.
  • Added the Merge Request number in the title. e.g. (!42)
  • Tested my code.
Edited by Jean Miraak

Merge request reports