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(!1148) Untamed allegiance rework

valentinhimself requested to merge UntamedAllegianceRework into develop


What does this merge request do?

  1. Enable UA to restore destroyed lairs
  2. Get UA to spawn troops when capturing/recapturing/restoring the lairs (2 wights, 1 troll, 2 gobs + 1 archer gob, 2 packs, 2 lings)
  3. Adjust recruit times of creep horde units to 75% of their counterparts available in faction structures.
  4. Fix the CP bug for neutral units when targeted separately from the lair with UA
  5. Kill the drake that guards the lair when UA is cast.


I have:

  • Tagged my change with the ;,; comment block.
  • Ensured that this merge request changes exactly one thing.
  • Attached the proper labels to this merge request.
  • Added the Merge Request number in the title. e.g. (!42)
  • Added a devlog entry for this change.
  • Tested my code.
Edited by valentinhimself

Merge request reports