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(!1091) Hour of the Witch-king FXs

Excelsior requested to merge HourofWK into develop Link

Link to GameReplays if this merge requests needs discussion (also add "discussion label")



  • Added a new glow and additional sound FX to Hour of the Witch-king (Angmar Witch-king and dismounted Mordor Witch-king).
  • Fixed issue where Hour of the Witch-king (Mordor and Angmar) third lightning sound FX would now play.



I have:

  • Tagged my change with the ;,; comment block.
  • Ensured that this merge request changes exactly one thing.
  • Attached the proper labels to this merge request.
  • Added the Merge Request number in the title. e.g. (!42)
  • Added a devlog entry for this change.
  • Tested my code.

Merge request reports