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properly pass query parameters for URLs that do not correspond to a PHP file

Fridtjof requested to merge (removed):fridtjof/fix-query into master

Query parameters were not properly passed to FastCGI/PHP on URLs that did not exist as a file.

In, the following line:

try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;

will try accessing any file in the project directory specified by $uri. If it does not find one, it will just use /index.php as the request URI instead (!). Because query parameters are part of the URI, they get lost here, so nginx's $query_string is empty in those cases. FastCGI's QUERY_STRING is populated by this variable, which in turn gets used to generate $_GET in PHP.

This is fixed trivially for both web and web_ci (see 4c4f5f05). $args contains the query string, if any, and $is_args contains a '?' if the query string is not empty.

Edited by Fridtjof

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