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Feature/navigation 20

MS requested to merge Feature/Navigation-20 into master

What does this MR do?

A new iteration of the Navigation and requires !2293 (merged) and !2294 (merged).

How confident are you it won't break things if deployed?

Mostly, but my biggest problem was the ChatCest it fails without an understandable reason. But it works in the local branch … including Chrome 81, which is the testing browser.

[Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\TimeoutException] Waited for 20 secs but text 'is anyone there?' still not found

Closes #1072 (closed) because we don't show any region names on the main navigation

How to test

  1. Checkout branch locally
  2. Go on the index page
  3. Check the page without login
  4. Make the viewport smaller and bigger
  5. Login in as
  6. Make the viewport smaller and bigger
  7. Check if the user has only 2 main menu points
  8. Complete the quiz
  9. Check if the user has now 4 main menu points
  10. Logout
  11. Login in as or
  12. Test if the Bezirk beitreten interaction in the region menu to opens the modal again and join one
  13. Open the search and test it
  14. Test if each menu point works as intended.

Screenshots (if applicable)

LoggedOut localhost_18080___2_ beta.foodsharing.de___2_
localhost_18080___1_ beta.foodsharing.de___1_
localhost_18080_ beta.foodsharing.de_
Loggedin localhost_18080__page_dashboard__1_ beta.foodsharing.de__page_dashboard
localhost_18080__page_dashboard__2_ beta.foodsharing.de__page_dashboard__1_
localhost_18080__page_dashboard__3_ beta.foodsharing.de__page_dashboard__2_
Desktop Tablet Smartphone
localhost_18080__page_dashboard__6_ localhost_18080__page_dashboard__5_ localhost_18080__page_dashboard__4_


  • added a test, or explain why one is not needed/possible...
  • no unrelated changes
  • asked someone for a code review
  • set a "for:" label to indicate who will be affected by this change
  • added to the next milestone (see, unless it has a "for:Dev" label)
  • added an entry to
  • added a short text that can be used in the release notes
  • Once your MR has been merged, you are responsible to create a testing issue in the Beta Testing forum: Please change the MRs label to "state:Beta testing".
    • Consider writing a detailed description in German.
    • Describe in a few sentences, what should be tested from a user perspective.
    • Also mention different settings (e.g. different browsers, roles, ...) how this change can be tested.
    • Be aware, that also non technical people should understand.

Release notes text in German

Runde 2 der Navigation, mit einem neuen Ansatz der etwas luftiger und mehr informationen beinhaltet.

Edited by MS

Merge request reports