Extract SQL Statements To Gateways
Summary of what happened: Of the long list below, there are only StatsModel and XhrMethods left. The former will probably be solved by !2176 (merged). The latter might still take a while.
We followed through the book's recommendations about adding SQL gateway classes, and implemented a PDO-based database connection and a unit test in https://gitlab.com/foodsharing-dev/foodsharing/commits/extract-database-gateways.
It basically:
- reimplements all the database access from the
classes in*Gateway
classes - uses PDO instead of mysqli
- use DI-style (pass in dependencies into constructor)
- supports unit testing
A few thoughts on how that went:
- it would be a lot of work to reimplement everything
- would probably want to fix the inconsistent return values (e.g. result on success, or boolean on failure)
So, we'd want to consider a bit more of the wider impact before proceeding.
A few options on how we could proceed:
- call the Gateway class from the existing Model class so the Control/Xhr classes don't need to change
- do more minimal change (as Model classes are already more-or-less the same concept as the gateways)
- remove all PREFIX values (not actually used) (all removed by Peter)
- use mysqli prepared statements (can only do by-index I think, not named)
- just switch model classes to use PDO and prepared statements with named parameters (keep everything else as similar as possible)
- go forward with deeper changes to the things that call the Model classes currently (would need more investigation and thought)
Use in model classes
ActivityModel.php !1434 (merged) -
APIModel.php -
ApplicationModel.php -
BasketModel.php (partially) -
BellModel.php (partially) -
BlogModel.php -
BuddyModel.php -
BusinessCardModel.php -
ConsoleModel.php -
ContentModel.php (partially) -
DashboardModel.php -
Model.php (partially) -
ManualDb.php -
src/Lib/Db/Db.php (contains only legacy mysqli code, can be removed once the migration to PDO is complete) -
EmailTemplateAdminModel.php -
EventModel.php (partially) -
FairTeilerModel.php -
FoodsaverModel.php WIP in !1178 (merged) -
GeoCleanModel.php -
IndexModel.php -
InfoModel.php -
LoginModel.php -
LookupModel.php -
MailboxModel.php -
MailsModel.php -
MaintenanceModel.php !1371 (closed) !1394 (merged) -
Subtask: !1180 (merged) (broken bell deletion) -
Subtask: #648 (closed) & #232 (closed) (incomplete/broken email notification for empty slots) migrated via. !1394 (merged) -
Subtask: !1274 (merged) Remove stats and maintenance methods by seperate MR to be able to work on it if it is ever needed again later. See wiki entry. -
!1289 (merged) Make MaintenanceModel easier to read for future refactoring
MessageModel.php gets deleted by: !887 (merged) -
NewAreaModel.php -
PassportGeneratorModel.php -
ProfileModel.php -
QuizModel.php -
RegionModel.php (-> RegionGateway & ForumGateway) -
ReportModel.php -
SearchModel.php -
SettingsModel.php (done: !1163 (merged) & !1173 (closed)) -
StatisticsModel.php -
StatsModel.php (maybe just leave the fetchweight and -count functions untouched as this topic is very controversial) #622 (closed) -
Subtask: !1274 (merged) Remove stats and maintenance methods by seperate MR to be able to work on it if it is ever needed again later. See wiki.
StatsmanModel.php -
StoreModel.php => See #1029 (closed) for current progress -
TeamModel.php -
WallPostModel.php -
Use in other classes
Search for use Foodsharing\Lib\Db\Db;
or Db $model,
to see these db imports (currently 26x).
LoginControl.php WIP in !1192 (merged) -
MailboxControl.php WIP in !1192 (merged) -
FoodSharePointControl.php WIP in !1192 (merged) -
ForumService.php in !1228 (merged) -
RegionXhr.php in !1228 (merged) -
MailboxXhr.php in !1228 (merged) -
XhrMethods.php See: #798 (closed) -
some in !1247 (merged)
BasketXhr.php (is it even used?) in !1247 (merged) -
Session.php (1 method which might already exist as gateway or exists in one of the open merge requests) in !1247 (merged) -
Control.php (We could use DI to only import DB where it is still used instead of importing it in every controller) -
Index.php (1 method but needs testing) -
api.php (!1719 (merged)) -
inc.php -
vMap.php (can be removed?) -
MessageService.php see: !887 (diffs) which might be possible to be cherry picked early on MaintenanceModel
Edited by Fridtjof