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Add maintenance page

Nick Sellen requested to merge add-maintenance-page into master

What does this MR do?

When doing maintenance we need a nice page!

This works in combination with some nginx configuration to check if a file is in place, then serve up a 503 error with the nice page.

The page is designed to be self contained, so I made it have data uris for the font and logo. Maybe it's overkill, as we still serve up static images...

The nginx configuration that needs to be added would be:

server {
  location / {
    # this needs adding inside every location block we want to serve the page
    # from such as a ~ \.php one...
    # the path needs adapting...
    if (-f /app/maintenance_mode_on) {
     return 503;
  error_page 503 @maintenance;
  location @maintenance {
    try_files /maintenance.html =404;

To enter maintenance mode:

touch maintenance_mode_on

to leave maintenance mode:

rm maintenance_mode_on

How confident are you it won't break things if deployed?

Should be ok :)

Links to related issues


  • added a test, or explain why one is not needed/possible...
  • no unrelated changes
  • asked someone for a code review
  • joined #foodsharing-beta channel at
  • added an entry to (description, merge request link, username(s))
Edited by Nick Sellen

Merge request reports