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Add SELinux error workaround to devdocs

Alex requested to merge update-devdocs-selinux into master

What does this MR do?

There are problems with running docker and SELinux and I'd like to add the workaround to the devdocs. If you know any better solutions except the two I described, please add them.


Question to Nick

Should we replace to privileged container in our docker-compose files?

Answer from Nick

I can't really say, as @alex says, it would be nice if there was a less invasive solution... not so nice to have dev environment effectively with root powers. I wonder if you can detect SELinux when people run ./scripts/start and then link to some tips about it? ... and/or maybe a solution to use an local config file that can set the containers in privileged mode? (like a .local.env or something), not sure if that method can be used to set that priveleged mode though....


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  • set a "for:" label to indicate who will be affected by this change
  • use "state:" labels to track this MR's state until it was beta tested
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  • add a short text that can be used in the release notes
  • Once your MR has been merged, you are responsible to create a testing issue in Beta Testing Repo:
    • Consider writing a detailed description in German.
    • Describe in a few sentences, what should be tested from a user perspective.
    • Also mention different settings (e.g. different browsers, roles, ...). how this change can be tested.
    • Be aware, that also non technical people should understand.

Release notes text

(A short text that will appear in the release notes and describes the change for non-technical people. Not always necessary, e.g. not for refactoring.)

Edited by Christian Walgenbach

Merge request reports