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Upload new Tutorial notebook for Dataviews

Filip Mulier requested to merge filipmulier-master-patch-86603 into master

Contributing a new tutorial


  • please provide a brief summary of the tutorial

This notebook shows the basic CRUD operations for a Dataview, which is a specification for retrieving data from Flywheel. Also shown are the create and read functions for a Dataview Execution, which represents a run of a dataview.

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  • please indicate if this builds on or is related to any existing tutorials

It is the first in a couple of tutorials I am working on for dataviews.

Tutorial Information:

Please describe the problem this tutorial addresses:

Having examples of basic CRUD operations for Dataviews for a beginner.

Please add any additional background/motivation/justification for including this tutorial:

Dataviews feature is a useful way to retrieve targeted data from Flywheel in tabular form. This makes it useful for Data Science and other analytical uses.

Please include any relevant screenshots, or a snapshot of the notebook:

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