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integrates\feat(back): #12037 change cspm config

Luis Saavedra requested to merge lsaavedraatfluid into trunk

integrates\feat(back): #12037 (closed) change cspm config

  • Now config file will get external id and role for cspm aws so skims will be able to get temporay tokens

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Author Checklist

  • I ensured the use case that I'm working on is covered by tests
  • I checked on my ephemeral environment (if there is one) that the product works as expected after this change

Reviewer Checklist

  • I understand what is changing and its impacts
  • I assessed the need for providing recommendations on how the issue is being addressed
  • I checked on the author's ephemeral environment (if there is one) that the product works as expected after this change
  • I will assist the author in resolving any issues arising from the change
Edited by Fabio Lagos

Merge request reports
