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Upgrade drupal/core to 10.0.9


Runing pipeline on 10.x branch produces 2 errors :

Drupal check

 [warning] One or more of your dependencies has an outstanding security update.
 [notice] Try running: composer require drupal/core --update-with-dependencies
 [notice] If that fails due to a conflict then you must update one or more root dependencies.
| Name        | Installed Version |
| drupal/core | 10.0.7            |

PHP Check

 [warning] One or more of your dependencies has an outstanding security update.
 [notice] Run composer why guzzlehttp/psr7 to learn what module requires the package.
  version: 2.4.4
  time: '2023-03-09T13:19:02+00:00'
      title: 'Improper header validation'
      link: ''
      cve: CVE-2023-29197


Upgrading these modules :

-> require

"drupal/core-composer-scaffold": "10.0.9",
"drupal/core-recommended": "10.0.9",
"drupal/core-vendor-hardening": "10.0.9",

-> require-dev

"drupal/core-dev": "10.0.9",

And doing a composer update fixes both issues

composer update drupal/core-* -W

Edited by Guillaume Aveline

Merge request reports