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Remove monorepo configuration

Ashlyn Knox requested to merge remove-monorepo-configuration into develop

As we have gotten closer to our goal with configuring and building within this workspace, we have long run past our need to keep the vanilla vue setup client folder in this project.

Prior to being able to test with anyone outside of the core team, especially for working with the CMS or using this to create any boilerplate projects or anything, we will need to work in a properly configured repo.

As this will reconfigure our entire setup, any other big changes that should be done should be addressed either alongside of, or after this MR.

This MR will do the following things:

  • move the nuxt-site/ folder to root, as this simplified CI, support and setup according to the nuxt docs
  • update nuxt from rc-6 to rc-8
  • incorporate style changes from develop
  • fix CI to work on non-monorepo again
Edited by Niko

Merge request reports