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  • Mark Wielaard's avatar
    Accept as many selectors as the file format allows. · 812a898b
    Mark Wielaard authored and Federico Mena Quintero's avatar Federico Mena Quintero committed
    But ignore any larger than the theoretical maximum, BZ_MAX_SELECTORS.
    The theoretical maximum number of selectors depends on the maximum
    blocksize (900000 bytes) and the number of symbols (50) that can be
    encoded with a different Huffman tree. BZ_MAX_SELECTORS is 18002.
    But the bzip2 file format allows the number of selectors to be encoded
    with 15 bits (because 18002 isn't a factor of 2 and doesn't fit in
    14 bits). So the file format maximum is 32767 selectors.
    Some bzip2 encoders might actually have written out more selectors
    than the theoretical maximum because they rounded up the number of
    selectors to some convenient factor of 8.
    The extra 14766 selectors can never be validly used by the decompression
    algorithm. So we can read them, but then discard them.
    This is effectively what was done (by accident) before we added a
    check for nSelectors to be at most BZ_MAX_SELECTORS to mitigate
    The extra selectors were written out after the...