Pill Time
The app complies with the inclusion criteria. -
The app is not already listed in the repo or issue tracker. -
The app has not already been requested -
The upstream app source code repo contains the app metadata (summary/description/images/changelog/etc) in a Fastlane or Triple-T folder structure -
The original app author has been notified, and does not oppose the inclusion. -
Optionally donated to support the maintenance of this app in F-Droid.
The first step is to find the app's Application ID. This is usually the same as the app's Package Name. You will find it in files called AndroidManifest.xml or build.gradle most of the time. You can also see it in the URLs for the app's page in various app stores. Write it here:
APPLICATION ID: com.cliambrown.pilltime
Below is a template "metadata file" to fill out, it has only the required fields. F-Droid uses this file to build and publish the app. Build Metadata Reference documents all available options. Add values after the colon
# Categories (one per line, each starting with a space and a minus), chosen from the
# official list: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/blob/master/stats/categories.txt
- Sports & Health
# the one license that the whole app is available under, use
# https://spdx.org/licenses/ short identifiers, must be
# floss-compatible.
License: GPL-3.0-or-later
# You can provide details on how to contact the author. These are optional, but
# nice to have.
AuthorName: C. Liam brown
AuthorEmail: liam@cliambrown.com
AuthorWebSite: https://cliambrown.com/
# A URL for the project's website, and to the source code repository to visit
# using a web browser. WebSite is optional.
SourceCode: https://github.com/cliambrown/PillTime
# A link to the issue tracker where bugs are reported
IssueTracker: https://github.com/cliambrown/PillTime/issues
# If available, you can also provide links/IDs for donations.
Donate: https://ko-fi.com/cliambrown
# Name of the application
AutoName: Pill Time
# One sentence, no more than 30-50 chars, no trailing punctuation,
# focus on actions what the users does with the app, e.g. "Read and
# send emails" instead of "Email client".
# NOTE: Summary and Description are preferably provided via Fastlane or Triple-T!
Summary: Keep track of meds that can be taken as needed (not at a specific time)
* No ads or trackers of any kind
* Free and open source
* Enter your custom meds and their dosage limitations
* Receive a notification when a dose expires
* Light and dark themes
# Repository details to be used by VCS (Version Control Systems)
# git, git-svn, svn, hg or bzr
RepoType: git
# source code repo URL (HTTPS required)
Repo: https://github.com/cliambrown/PillTime.git