Infinity for Everything
- The app complies with the inclusion criteria
- The app is not already listed in the repo or issue tracker.
- The original app author has been notified (and does not oppose the inclusion).
- Donated to support the maintenance of this app in F-Droid.
Link to the source code:
Link to app in another app store:
License used:
An Everything client for Android
A client for Everything, a versatile platform that enables seamless integration and aggregation of APIs following the Everything API guidelines.
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generated by GitLab CI Job #4610110350
Dependencies scraped from gradle files @ Alpha-2
by locale
Infinity for RedditA beautiful, feature-rich Reddit client.
Infinity is a beautiful, feature-rich app that offers a smooth Reddit browsing experience. It is completely free and ad-less; you can browse Reddit without interruptions or distractions. Built by a passionate university student, Infinity is open source. Please check out, support or contribute to the project at!
A subreddit for this app is available:
Highlighted features:
Lazy mode
Automatic scrolling of posts enables you to enjoy amazing content without moving your thumb.
Multi-account support
Switch to different accounts instantaneously.
Night theme
Beautifully designed night theme
Highlighted feature
Lazy mode: Automatic scrolling of posts enables you to enjoy amazing posts without moving your thumb.
- Browsing posts
- View comments
- Expand and collapse comments section
- Vote posts and comments
- Save posts
- Write comments
- Edit comments and delete comments
- Submit posts (text, link, image and video)
- Edit posts (mark and unmark NSFW and spoiler and edit flair) and delete posts
- See all the subscribed subreddits and followed users
- View the messages
- Get notifications of unread messages
- And much more!
fdroid scanner
versionCode: 117
- Removing gradlew.bat at gradlew.bat: gradlew.bat
- Removing gradlew at gradlew: gradlew
- Removing gradle-wrapper.jar at gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar: gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
Dependencies from Gradle
gradlew-fdroid --write-verification-metadata sha256 help
Gradle Wrapper @ Alpha-2
missing distributionSha256Sum
gradle/wrapper/ is missing [distributionSha256Sum](
This means that the gradle download is not verified. We recommend explicitly setting the expected SHA-256 to protect you and your apps if a bad actor gets access to the Gradle servers or manages to MitM your internet connection. Please note that Android Studio supports this poorly, with only a weird text prompt inline in a log window, but it does work there.
Here is an example of how to fix this:
distributionBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME distributionPath=wrapper/dists distributionUrl=https\:// zipStoreBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME zipStorePath=wrapper/dists distributionSha256Sum=f6b8596b10cce501591e92f229816aa4046424f3b24d771751b06779d58c8ec4
These security measures can prevent real world attacks that are happening in the wild! See this blog post for more info:
Links to Services
SDKs/Languages @ Alpha-2
Edited by F-Droid Bot - Author
How can I update this scan for a new tag?
- Licaon_Kter removed fdroid-bot label
removed fdroid-bot label
- Reporter
generated by GitLab CI Job #4614643979
Dependencies scraped from gradle files @ Alpha-2.1
by locale
Infinity for EverythingA beautiful, feature-rich Everything client.
Infinity is a beautiful, feature-rich app that offers a smooth Everything browsing experience. It is completely free and ad-less; you can browse Everything without interruptions or distractions. Built by a passionate university student, Infinity is open source. Please check out, support or contribute to the project at!
A subreddit for this app is available:
Highlighted features:
Lazy mode
Automatic scrolling of posts enables you to enjoy amazing content without moving your thumb.
Multi-account support
Switch to different accounts instantaneously.
Night theme
Beautifully designed night theme
Highlighted feature
Lazy mode: Automatic scrolling of posts enables you to enjoy amazing posts without moving your thumb.
- Browsing posts
- View comments
- Expand and collapse comments section
- Vote posts and comments
- Save posts
- Write comments
- Edit comments and delete comments
- Submit posts (text, link, image and video)
- Edit posts (mark and unmark NSFW and spoiler and edit flair) and delete posts
- See all the subscribed subreddits and followed users
- View the messages
- Get notifications of unread messages
- And much more!
fdroid scanner
versionCode: 117
- Removing gradlew.bat at gradlew.bat: gradlew.bat
- Removing gradlew at gradlew: gradlew
- Removing gradle-wrapper.jar at gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar: gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
Dependencies from Gradle
gradlew-fdroid --write-verification-metadata sha256 help
Gradle Wrapper @ Alpha-2.1
missing distributionSha256Sum
gradle/wrapper/ is missing [distributionSha256Sum](
This means that the gradle download is not verified. We recommend explicitly setting the expected SHA-256 to protect you and your apps if a bad actor gets access to the Gradle servers or manages to MitM your internet connection. Please note that Android Studio supports this poorly, with only a weird text prompt inline in a log window, but it does work there.
Here is an example of how to fix this:
distributionBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME distributionPath=wrapper/dists distributionUrl=https\:// zipStoreBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME zipStorePath=wrapper/dists distributionSha256Sum=f6b8596b10cce501591e92f229816aa4046424f3b24d771751b06779d58c8ec4
These security measures can prevent real world attacks that are happening in the wild! See this blog post for more info:
Links to Services
SDKs/Languages @ Alpha-2.1
- F-Droid Bot added fdroid-bot label
added fdroid-bot label