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Trigger the speedy localhost testing by switching comments in _config.yml

  • This MR accompanies the MR and branch in the "fdroid-website" project, namely 'fastLocalhostTesting-pairWithJekyllFdroidChanges'
  • Maybe I'm not really doing the right thing by integrating that suite into the 'fdroid-website' repo? If so, you may ignore this MR and the accompanying MR mentioned above. I remember Hans saying that the it might be a tricky thing to maintain, basically if a fundamental change is made the the json app database or folder structure for app icons, you would need to do those changes for (up to) the 31 apps in this test db.
  • During speedy localhost ux-testing I also ditched the index_V1.jar decompression process also.
Edited by Deano

Merge request reports