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William Brawner requested to merge wbrawner/fdroiddata:simple-markdown into master
  • The app complies with the inclusion criteria
  • The original app author has been notified (and does not oppose the inclusion)
  • All related fdroiddata and RFP issues have been referenced in this merge request
  • The upstream app source code repo contains the app metadata (summary/description/images/changelog/etc) in a Fastlane or Triple-T folder structure
  • Builds with fdroid build
  • Releases are tagged

Hi everyone! Thanks for maintaining F-Droid! I'm the author of SimpleMarkdown, and after a few years of deliberation I've finally gotten around to putting together an F-Droid submission. I think it's alright, and I tested the build locally but please let me know if there are any changes that need to be made and I'd be happy to take a look.

The Play Store build makes use of Crashlytics, so there may still be some textual references to it in the free build, but the actual dependency on and usage of non-free software should be absent in the free build. Please let me know if you find otherwise.


Merge request reports