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New app com.jeroen1602.lighthouse_pm

  • The app complies with the inclusion criteria
  • The original app author has been notified (and does not oppose the inclusion)
  • All related fdroiddata and RFP issues have been referenced in this merge request
  • The upstream app source code repo contains the app metadata (summary/description/images/changelog/etc) in a Fastlane or Triple-T folder structure
  • Builds with fdroid build
  • Releases are tagged

I will still need to add the app metadata to the original repository, does this need to be at the same commit as the one used for builds? What style would be better for me?

Can someone confirm if I did the AutoUpdateMode correctly? The release tags are for example 1.1.2+7 where 1.1.1 is the version name and the 7 is the version code.

Edited by Jeroen

Merge request reports