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Add Jellyfin mobile app

  • The app complies with the inclusion criteria
  • The original app author has been notified (and supports the inclusion)
    • I am a maintainer of the app
  • All related fdroiddata and RFP issues have been referenced in this merge request
  • The upstream app source code repo contains the app metadata (summary/description/images/changelog/etc) in a Fastlane or Triple-T folder structure
  • Builds with fdroid build
  • Releases are tagged

The checkupdates command works fine and updates the CurrentVersion/CurrentVersionCode - it did not update the "Builds" though. This can be tested by removing the latest version (2.1.2) and running the command. I was not able to test the build because I did not have the Android build tools on the device I created this merge request. The pipeline passed correctly now.

This merge request replaces !6676 (closed) which was meant for an older version (1.x.x) of the Jellyfin app.

Edited by Niels van Velzen

Merge request reports