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New app: Jiten Japanese Dictionary (dev.obfusk.jiten)

FC (Fay) Stegerman requested to merge obfusk/fdroiddata:add-jiten-v0.3.3 into master
  • The app complies with the inclusion criteria
  • The original app author has been notified (and supports the inclusion)
  • All related fdroiddata and RFP issues have been referenced in this merge request
  • The upstream app source code repo contains the app metadata (summary/description/images/changelog/etc) in a Fastlane or Triple-T folder structure
  • Builds with fdroid build
  • Releases are tagged

I managed to get a working build from the CI on a branch which differs from this PR by the following patch (to install the r20b ndk that's missing from the CI server, disable warn_on_root, and reduce the output so it doesn't go over the 4MiB gitlab log limit):

diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index fad640ab7f..c3bfb8b2f4 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -167,6 +167,14 @@ fdroid build:
     - apt-get purge fdroidserver
+    - |
+      set -xe
+      curl --silent -O
+      shasum -c <<< "8381c440fe61fcbb01e209211ac01b519cd6adf51ab1c2281d5daad6ca4c8c8c"
+      unzip -q
+      export ANDROID_NDK=$PWD/android-ndk-r20b
+      echo 'ndk_paths = {"r20b": "$ANDROID_NDK"}' >>
     - export GRADLE_USER_HOME=$PWD/.gradle
     # each `fdroid build --on-server` run expects sudo, then uninstalls it
     - for build in `./tools/`; do
diff --git a/metadata/dev.obfusk.jiten.yml b/metadata/dev.obfusk.jiten.yml
index c3e984ff14..9797eef097 100644
--- a/metadata/dev.obfusk.jiten.yml
+++ b/metadata/dev.obfusk.jiten.yml
@@ -26,9 +26,10 @@ Builds:
       - apt-get install -y lld-7
       - ln -fs lld-7 /usr/bin/lld
       - cd build/srclib/cpython
-      - ./configure --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions
-      - make -j`nproc`
-      - make altinstall
+      - set -o pipefail
+      - ./configure --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions 2>&1 | tail
+      - make -j`nproc` 2>&1 | tail
+      - make altinstall 2>&1 | tail
     output: bin/jiten-$$VERSION$$-armeabi-v7a-release-unsigned.apk
       - cpython@v3.7.8
@@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ Builds:
         -i buildozer.spec
       - sed -r "s:#?p4a.source_dir =.*:p4a.source_dir = $$python-for-android$$:" -i
+      - sed -r "s:#?warn_on_root =.*:warn_on_root = 0:" -i buildozer.spec
       - make _setup_user BUILDOZER="$$buildozer$$"
       - jiten/res/jmdict/jmdict-unpatched.xml.gz
@@ -51,7 +53,8 @@ Builds:
       - jiten/res/radicals/kanjivg.xml.gz
       - source ../../../env/bin/activate
-      - make release-armeabi-v7a
+      - set -o pipefail
+      - make release-armeabi-v7a 2>&1 | grep -v Unzipping
     ndk: r20b
 AutoUpdateMode: Version v%v

Unless I missed something that means it should build successfully on the f-droid build server :)

Edited by FC (Fay) Stegerman

Merge request reports