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WebCast (com.github.warren_bank.webcast)

  • The app complies with the inclusion criteria
  • The original app author has been notified (and supports the inclusion)
  • All related fdroiddata and rfp issues have been referenced in this merge request
  • Builds with fdroid build
  • remove non-free dependencies (or provide a libre build flavor)

Hi. I hope I did everything right. I created the file manually, based on the most recent successful pull request. However, I did not install "fdroidserver" to run a build.

Regarding the field "AutoUpdateMode", am I correct to assume that this value is only used to generate output, but is not used to match exact tag names in the source github repo? If this assumption is wrong, then auto update will probably fail; because tag names do not contain either substring %v or %c.

Also, unless I'm crazy.. the output from lint indicated that when "versionCode" has leading zeros, the value is parsed as octal? For that reason, I removed leading zeros from the yaml metadata.. but gradle configs in the source repo will continue to include them. Is that going to be a problem?


Edited by Michael Pöhn

Merge request reports