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New app: Classical Music Tagger

Andreas Kromke requested to merge (removed):master into master
  • The app complies with the inclusion criteria
  • The original app author has been notified (and supports the inclusion)
  • All related fdroiddata and rfp issues have been referenced in this merge request
  • [?] Builds with fdroid build

Classical Music Tagger added (-> rfp#507 (closed)) (rfp was created about a year ago)

Unfortunately the "fdroid build" script does not work at all on my computer, so that I had to give up after having spent some frustrating hours. The bash script gradlew-fdroid has syntax errors ("declare -A" seems to be a typo, but neither "declare -a" works, resulting in a syntax error in subsequent lines) and is not able to extract the gradle version, resulting in a failed attempt to download gradle. Further, several commands just do not exist on my computer. I was able to install some of them using Homebrew, but not all, and maybe they then are not compatible.

Probably the fdroid build process is fundamentally incompatible with my computer (macOS 10.13 with Homebrew).

However, as the app's build recipe is straight forward à la Android Studio and does not differ from my other app (Unpopular Music Player) I currently cannot think of any problems that might occur.

Edited by Izzy

Merge request reports