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New app: cz.jwo.kachnastatus

Jiří Wolker requested to merge wolkerj/f-droid-data:cz.jwo.kachnastatus into master


  • The app complies with the inclusion criteria
  • The original app author has been notified (and does not oppose the inclusion)
  • All related fdroiddata and RFP issues have been referenced in this merge request
  • Builds with fdroid build

Strongly Recommended

  • The upstream app source code repo contains the app metadata (summary/description/images/changelog/etc) in a Fastlane or Triple-T folder structure
  • Releases are tagged

App description

This app provides easy-to-use interface to query status of the [Student club 
U Kačenky][kachna-online] at the [FIT BUT][fit].

The application shows the following information:

  * state of the club (closed, chillzone, open, event etc.),
  * current event in the club,
  * prestige leaderboard,
  * currently offered products,
  * calendar with upcoming events

**This app is unofficial,** I am developing it only for my personal purposes 
and friends. If you want to use an official application, use [the web 
interface (a.k.a. *Kachna Online*)](kachna-online).
Edited by Jiří Wolker

Merge request reports